Season 1 - Part 4

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Note: I DO NOT own The Owl House or DC Comics so don't report me, this is for entertainment purposes only. Also, this chapter is based off of the first season's seventh episode. As for episode 6, well Luz just transforms and beats up the demon hunters. With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Luz: "Azura!" Hecate began. "Our paths have crossed only in battle. But today, I stand before you seeking an ally." Ah . . .

King: Luz, you're getting all swoony again.

Luz: I can't help it. Azura is able to befriend everyone, even her greatest rival. I wish I had that kind of power.

King: Rivals are meant to be annihilated, not befriended. Now keep reading! I've been sucked into your awful fandom.

Luz: Suddenly, the door swung open.

She said just before the owl house's door opens up.

Hooty: Ding, dong, ding! Hoot, hoot!

King: The book has come to life, burn it!

Luz walked over to the door and noticed a basket on the ground. She brings it to the kitchen as Eda came down to see what was happening.

Luz: Looks like you got a package, Eda.

Eda: Probably just an offering. Ah, being the most powerful witch in the Boiling Isles does have it's perks.

King, believing there'd be food, removed the sheet covering the basket only for everyone to be surprised that a baby was sleeping in it.

King: Mmm, fresh meat.

Luz: Nope. Not eating that.

Eda: Witches eating babies is so 1693.

King: There's a note. Take care of my child 'til morning. Yi yi?

Eda: Nope! Babies are awful. Not happening.

King: You will be handsomely rewarded xoxoxox Bat Queen.

Eda: Bat Queen? Reward?

Luz: Who's the Bat Queen?

Eda: Only the wealthiest demon in the boiling isles! Get in with her and you're set for life. So, we keep this thing alive for a few hours and we get paid. Piece of cake.

Luz: Our greatest adventure yet! Learning about love and life through a child's eyes.

Eda: Not you. You have to return the books I checked out from the library.

She said, using magic to give Luz a stack of library books before whispering to King.

Eda: I don't want her getting a cut of the loot.

King: Good thinking.

He whispered back.

Eda: Now, let's take a look at this little darling.

She said, removing the blanket and making the baby screech super loud, hurting everyone's ears.

Eda: On second thought, maybe we could use your help!

Luz: Well, better get to the library! Bye!

She yelled, leaving the house quickly so she wouldn't have to deal that awful sound.

Luz then makes her way to the library, carrying the stack of books with her.

All of Eda's books were late and Luz decided to explore the library and see what kind of books they have.

It was similar but different from the ones on earth. Such as dozens of books floating in the air and orbs that work just like computers, more or less.

Luz: This place is amazing.

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