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3 – 11

"You want us to leave here!?"

The maid raised her trembling voice.

"And go where, exactly!? How do you expect us to move in the dark when we have injured and elderly people here!?"

"The important part is not where we are going. We have to escape from here because it isn't safe. Although I definitely recall saying something like that earlier!"

The shaking was almost constantly now. Every time another explosion echoed in the distance, Nicole trembled. That low rumbling had gradually turned into a higher pitched whine. The walls around them creaked as if something was pressing hard against them on the other side.

"It's not as if we can be sure anywhere else is safe either!"

But, even still, the people didn't trust Camilla. Leaving this cavern meant having to go into one of those tunnels. Even if their eyes had adjusted to the darkness, the thought of squeezing through those narrow crevices was too much to bear. There were old folks, not to mention children. Some people were still sporting injuries. It would be an exceptionally hard road for them especially.

Most of all, it's just as that maid said. There was no guarantee that they would survive if they took one of those tunnels, nor could she guarantee they would be able to return back to the cavern if it turned out to be the wrong choice. It could lead to a dead end. Or, before they escaped, they could be caught up in an explosion of magic.

In that case, it would be better to stay in a place like this, where at least they could feel secure in its size. Her line of thinking made sense.

"I agree, it would be better for us to stay here."

One of the manservants agreed with the maid.

"This is where we first fell. So, there should be a connection to the part of the surface that collapsed. If we move thoughtlessly, it might frustrate the efforts of the people looking to rescue us."

The servant's words were both sober and persuasive. What's more, he was one of the few men amongst them. People found themselves leaning towards trusting him unconsciously.

"For the miners, it's an important rule to never move from the place you were initially trapped. Even if there aren't any manastones to break, that doesn't mean there's no way for anyone with magical power to find you from the surface. If there was a cave in or collapse because of a manstone explosion, a magic user can follow the clues to find you. By waiting where you are, help will definitely come. That is how we have always done things."

'That's right', she heard people whisper from around her. Camilla shouted to drown out those sounds.

"There is no point in waiting here just to be buried alive!!"

The walls quaked, shaking loose debris. Falling rocks fell into the pools of miasma with loud splashes. The miasma was getting thicker in the air, to the point where Camilla couldn't tell the difference between it and the regular darkness anymore. Standing next to her, Nicole shook, her eyes closed.

"The person with magical power herself said that it was dangerous here! If just wait for help to come, all our rescuers will find are our corpses!"

"How can you say things like that in front of the children!?"

With an angry shout, a sound rang through the darkness. The maid had slapped Camilla hard across the cheek. As she felt the warm pain spreading across her face, Camilla heard a child crying at the same time. One of the townswomen tried to soothe them with a hug. Those reverberating wails only seemed to add to the fatigue of everyone there.

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