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There wasn't a cloud in the sky the next day.

With nothing to block it out, the winter sun lit up the snow-covered town. She could feel the warmth through her room's window, it seemed like winter's end was only around the corner.

It was only a month until spring. Klaus said that when it arrived, Blume would be awash in colourful flowers.

– I hope I can see it soon.

On the second floor of the Lörrich estate, Camilla thought that as she watched the town's morning slowly roll towards noon. Surely, it would be so beautiful it would make her gasp.

"Mistress... Are you feeling better?"

It was the first thing Nicole had asked her that as she came inside that morning to wake her up. But since Camilla had already woken up and was sitting by the windowsill, Nicole looked at her anxiously.

Camilla was a little surprised by how worried Nicole's voice sounded. Then, for the one maid who always cared for her, Camilla's mouth loosened slightly. Nicole had always been looking out for Camilla.

"I'm sorry, Nicole. I made you worry, didn't I?"

Looking back at Nicole, Camilla gave her a small smile. It contained Camilla's happiness for how much Nicole truly cared for her, as well as her embarrassment about having caused her so much stress. Just how much had Camilla been moping and sighing that she wasn't even able to realize it herself?

As Camilla felt her remorseful eyes once again trail to the floor, she quickly raised her head.

Right now, she had to stand tall and keep her eyes forward. Even if those dark emotions that spun like a whirlpool in her chest hadn't completely abated... She would be okay.

"Is it not just as you said, Nicole? For some time, I was certainly not myself. Don't worry, I will never be like that again."

"No, not at all!"

Holding her hands together, Nicole brought them to her chest, looking at Camilla with an expression halfway between relief and sheer happiness.

"So long as you're fine, Mistress, then I'm happy!"

Nicole's words that she shouted from her stomach were a bit louder than she intended, disturbing the quiet peace of the room. Her freckled cheeks suddenly became flushed with red, probably out of embarrassment at just how inadvertently loud that joyful yell of hers was.

As Nicole fumbled for an apology, Camilla laughed gently.

"Thank you, Nicole."

She was truly glad to hear Nicole's words.

Alois' recommendation of Klaus to the successor position of the House of Lörrich had caused quite a stir in the estate.

Beset with pleas and persuasions from the camp that regarded Franz as the best successor to the barony, Alois was so busy he barely had time to go out. On the other hand, a lot of the people who were only nominally on Franz's side suddenly came to pay lip service to Klaus. Rudolph, the current family head, was also exhausted from being constantly berated by Franz and his brother, Lucas.

As it stood, Gerda was probably the only person in the entirety of the Lörrich estate with a cool head.

That's why, for the past few days, Camilla hadn't been able to go out much at all.

There had only been a single opportunity to go out to town. That was when she had asked Klaus to guide her back to that underground cellar.

That underground cellar where the five young musicians had once practised had changed completely.

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