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Riki went straight home after walking with Jungwon and Sunoo.

They tagged along with Riki as he attended his first practice at the studio.

Riki walked inside their house.

"Mom, Dad? I'm home."

He saw his parents eating dinner at the table already.

"Go grab your plate quickly and sit down," his father seemed to be in a bad mood.

"You're late again."

He quickly did as his father said.

They continue eating in silence.

"Mom, Dad..." Riki called them softly, "I have good news."

"That better be 'good' for real." his father muttered.

His mother listened.

"I got accepted to a dance studio!"

Riki showed his certificate and couldn't hide his smile, "They said, I'll be trained and join competitions soon. Then, we'll be-"

His father slammed the table, Riki jumped out of surprise.

"What's good about that?" his father looked at him in frustration, "That only meant you'll be home later than before."

His father moved his wheelchair and stopped in front of Riki, "You are the reason I am here," he pointed to his wheelchair, "

"But dad, if we win the competitions, we'll receive benefits and pri-"

"That is only 'if'!" his father shouted in his face, "Quit dancing."

He grabbed the certificate from Riki's hands, tore it apart, then threw it in front of Riki.


Riki's tears started to fall.

His mother held her husband's hand, "Calm down, you should take a rest."

She looked at Riki, he was crying while picking up the torn pieces of paper on the floor.

"Finish your food, Riki." she said, "I'll be back."

She held her husband's wheel chair then pushed it towards his room.

"He should forget about dancing." Riki's father said as soon as they walked inside the room, "I don't want him to be like me."

Riki couldn't forget everything his father told him. Now that his certificate is torn, he can't go back.

Dancing is something that Riki is most passionate about, and he almost reached his dream.

Riki cried all night.

Maybe it's just not for him.

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