Ch 2- The initiative

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!!AUTHORS NOTE!!- Okay I know I never do an authors note before a chapter but I have had a change of plans. Also I am going to write in 3rd person for most of the Avengers movie its just easier, anyways I just realized how long the Avengers movie is gonna take writing and honestly I just want to get to the important stuff so I would like to announce the first chapter of the Avengers movie :) (By the way Amaya is 25 years old during the avengers movie. Okay Enjoy love you all!

New York, New York city

It was a beautiful morning in NYC as Amaya walked into the new Barnes and Noble down the street wearing a black tank top in her casual leather jacket and Black jeans with black heels. She needed some time away for a bit. Being on a lot of missions lately trying to keep herself busy from the recent events on her father with Vanko. She left and went on a mission after that still angry at her father from the events before hand. With Tony telling everybody she was his daughter. She is wearing a cap making sure nobody notices her as she checks out the book shelf of latest and new books.

"Are any of these actually good?" A man approached her.

"I personally have only read this one but the others I haven't read yet. Planning on reading them this summer." May said pointing to a book as looking up towards the man for the first time. He has blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Well is that book you read good?" He asked politely looking into her deep blue eyes.

"It is. You should buy it."

"I think I will miss. Steve. Its nice to meet you." He said taking out his hand for May to take which she gladly shook. Steve adored her. She was beautiful. She reminded him of somebody.

"Please call my Amaya. Miss makes me feel old."

"Well its a pleasure Amaya. You have a pretty name. So you live around here? S-sorry I don't mean to intrude"

"No no not at all I work for the government." May doesn't know what made her say that but he nods giving her a toothy smile.

"That sounds tiring. I used to do something similar."

"Such as?"

"I recently got out of the military. So I am trying to figure out what to do with my life." May silently laughed at that.

"Well I am sure you will find something." She replied being kindly as ever.

"Your right. I probably will." He gave a little laugh and Amaya felt this warmth in her heart as he laughed, when all of a sudden a dark green mist wrapped one of the books besides her and started floating. Amaya quickly slammed the book down on the table before Steve could notice.

"Um sorry the book had a fly on it." Amaya's wind powers have never moved something directly. Like... Telekinesis.

"It's okay. Um maybe would you like to get coffee another time." She could tell he was nervous asking.

"Yea. Let me write down my number." She take's out a post-it and pen from her purse writing down her number and giving it to Steve.

"See you around Amaya." He told her walking away.

"Yea see you Steve." And with that Amaya left the book store. As she was walking home she got a call from a certain someone reading- Mad eye moody. May laughed to herself as she answered the phone with a smile on her face.

"Fury! Its nice that you called me because-"

"Ele I really don't have time. The Tesseract was taken. Barton's been compromised" With those words Amaya started sprinting. She knows she was getting looks from a lot of people but she needed to go.

ELEMENTAL- book 2// S. ROGERSWhere stories live. Discover now