Ch 4- Mom?

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They all got on the quinjet tieing up Loki. Until May heard a voice in her mind it was very distant though. Like when she first found out she could read minds with Natasha. Then it got louder. And louder. Like somebody was trying to talk to her. So she opened her mind letting them.

"Hello dear niece." Loki.

"Loki?" May communicated with him.

"No uncle?" he questioned staring at Amaya from right across him was wear she was sitting.

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know?"

"What don't I know."

"Your mother?" He say's in her mind in almost disbelief.

"I knew my mother for only five years I barely remember her. So please elaborate." She thought laced in sarcasm.

"If I must. Your mother was my step sister. Thor's blood sister."

"Thor? The god of thunder"

"My brother. yes."

"Your saying my mother is a goddess. Does Nick know?"

"Specifically the goddess of death. How did you not put the pieces together when your mother's name is Hela and you have power's. I thought you had Stark's smart jean. And I am guessing probably"

"He lied. Holy shit." She started hypervenalating showingly and my eyes started to brighten. But she needed to calm down before anybody noticed. So May took a deep breath and calmed down.


"I'm trying." So she decided to focus on something else. Her father's and Steve's conversation happening right across from me.      

"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in."

"Yeah, there's a lot of thing's Fury doesn't tell you." With that Steve came over by her.

"You didn't tell me."

"I didn't think it was important. You were going to find out either way Steve."

"Sweetheart I think we both know that there was a reason you didn't tell me." She slowly looked towards him and he had knowing eyes edging towards her basically begging for her to tell him. He accidently slipped calling her sweetheart. She was just so precious.

"I thought it was weird. You know. You knew my grandfather I didn't want to bring up old memories."

"It's a little weird knowing Howard had a family but I am happy for him. And I am even more happy I know his family." May smiled at him towards that he continued, "What did Loki mean by niece?" But before she could answer to that thunder rumbled and lightning striked.

"Where's this coming from?" Natasha asked looking up. They all started looking around when Steve noticed a scared look on Loki's face.

"What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" They all looked towards Loki who said with a serious face.

"I'm not overly fond of who follows." He then looked away towards the window.

"Oh my god." May spoke finally realizing.

"What is it Maya?" Her dad asked looking towards May.

"Uncle." Was all she could muster up before a huge bang occurred on the quinjet. Like somebody landed on top of the quinjet. Tony put on his mask and opened the back of the quinjet getting ready to fight.

ELEMENTAL- book 2// S. ROGERSWhere stories live. Discover now