Another Glass Cell

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--Your POV--

She slowly removed her hand from my cheek and shudders at the sound of my last sentence. This girl with the most beautiful eyes has me captivated by her stare. Even though her eyes are pooling with tears at my words she is somehow still so beautiful. I am captivated by the look in her eyes, it is almost as if our souls have met before but I do not believe I have seen her before. I pulled back to my state of mind by a male's voice kind of annoying voice if I am being honest its the only thing that pulled me back is he did not want to shut up. He kept asking the same questions over and over again "What's going on here?" and a question that seems directed at Nat, who is still recovering from the whole fight that just happened. I look around the room at all the faces and they all seem so fucking familiar, it is like I can visualize every detail of them in my head. I must be mistaking them for someone else, there is no way I know them but they are all staring at me as if I am someone to them. As my senses are scanning the room and the faces around me I hear choked back tears and sobs from behind someone in the doorway. A small boy seems like he is still in high school... he is fighting his tears hard almost to the point of a panic attack. My eyes quickly shift back to the girl standing in front of me, she gives me one last look into my eyes and mouths the words "please remember." Then in a swift turn, her back is towards me and she places her hands on both sides of the boys' faces and whispers something to him, but I can't tell what. As they turned and began to exit the room, I whispered "wait" but it was flooded out by the shouting of everyone else in the room. I have tuned out all the commotion that is happening around me as I watched as they both disappear down the corridor holding one another arm in arm. I tried to listen to see what they may have been talking about but all I got was their names. "Peter and Wanda." For some reason, as they both walked away, it hurt but not just any hurt the type of hurt that you feel deep in your chest where you can not catch a full breath.

I try to catch my breath and focus back on what is taking place around me. Everything is happening all at once, the yelling, the accusations, and the questions. Then I hear the rest of their names, Tony, Thor, Bruce, and Clint. As their names pass through my head one by one I realize where I know them from, they are the avengers, and something triggers in my head. I can feel myself losing control of my own body. I begin to hear a voice in the back of my mind almost like someone was speaking to me through a microphone. I fall to my knees and begin clawing at the back of my neck just along my hairline. The voice is dark and ominous, overwhelming quite frankly. "Hello Y/N, I see you've met your targets. The world-renown Avengers, the goodie two shoes who think they own the world because they have saved a few lives. It is a shame their lives have to end today. Kill them. All of them." With every word from this voice, I feel myself falling deeper and deeper into whatever trance this voice is trying to put me under I can't stop it. Without realizing I began pleading with the voice in my head "stop it please." my words were split apart with soft sobs that I couldn't control. The arguing in the room has stopped as I feel they are all staring at me balled up on the floor.

I feel a heavy and unfamiliar hand rest upon my shoulder, and out of instinct, I punch them. Nat speaks up "Steve, are you alright?", with no response I then hear another voice which must be Bruce he isn't speaking to me but out loud, "Damn he's out cold!" with a light chuckle afterward. Suddenly I don't feel as bad, since I don't really like Steve. "Y/N, what's going on. We need you to talk to us." Natasha speaks up again, her voice is soft, not angry. I open my mouth to speak but nothing escapes. Instead, the voice speaks up once more "You tell them, and you'll be dead before you can finish your sentence.", Nat speaks up once more as I can tell she is now kneeled in front of me with her hand on the back of my head, "Y/N it's okay. You're safe, tell me what is going on." I remove my hands from the back of my neck to look at them and see they are covered in blood. I didn't even realize I was still clawing at my neck. I wipe my hands on my jeans, thankfully they are black so you cannot tell. After I finished wiping my hands clean I look up at Nat who's face is filled with worry, my eyes burn as I look up at her they must be bloodshot from the strain my body just went through. She looks around the room before looking back at me and giving me a slight nod for reassurance. I felt my jaw clench, whatever is in my head really doesn't want me to speak but I manage to get out what I need to. "You need to leave. They want me to kill you guys." Natasha's eyes just about popped out of her head but it wasn't to the shock of what I said her eyes are fixated on something behind me. I furrow my eyebrows at her and just as I was about to ask her what was going on something hit me in the back of the head and all I remember before blacking out were flashes of a life that I think was mine.

Ocean Eyes. (Y/n & Wanda Maximoff Pov)Where stories live. Discover now