𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒳

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I woke up with a pain on the side of my neck. I look around and realise that I'm not at home. I start panicking. I was in a mud house on a straw bed. I get up and walk out to be met by a blowing sandstorm.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I scream and suddenly I was pulled inside.

"My dear," he said, "why did you go outside?"

Oh my God, it's the guy from my dreams. How is he real?

"W-who are you?" I ask.

"I am your lover," he says, "my name is Kim Taehyung."

"No," I reply, "you're not my lover. I don't know you."

He chuckles, "You do," he continues, "I'm the same person from your visions."

"Visions? Those were mere dreams-" He cups my mouth.

"No, my dear. Those were visions I gave you," he smiles.

I start crying. I was usually not the one to cry so easily. But this was overwhelming. I was in a random place with a guy who taunted me in my dreams.


"Why are you crying, dear? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Are you perhaps hungry? I can get you any food. Anything, my dear. I can get you anything." He says.

"No," I start crying even hard and squirm from his grip.

"What is it dear? Does it hurt anywhere?" He asks holding me tighter.

"Please," unable to form my words due to crying, I still manage to say, "let go of me."

"No, my dear," I was surprised he understood me, "you belong with me."

"Please," I cry harder.

I see his face soften.

Taehyung's POV

My dear was crying really hard. I understood that she did not know me. I did not know how to fix this. But I will, I was determined. I will give her everything except what she asked me.. to let her go. 

"Dear," I start, "I'll give you everything except letting go of you. I let go of you once. I can't do that again. Please understand."

I slowly lift her shivering face to meet my eyes. Oh, those eyes... I missed them. I leaned in and kissed her tears.

"Stop," she cries harder, "please stop. I can't make out anything. I don't know what's going on. Where am I?"

I rest my forehead on hers, "How about I tell you everything?"

She just looks down and continues crying as I try to feel her soul. Her soul was confused and in need of an explanation. She was overwhelmed and in pain because of it. I picked her up and walked towards the bed in the pyramid.

"WHERE AM I?" She screams while crying and hugging her knees.

"You are in my pyramid, my dear," I say.

"Y-your pyramid? The one I visited long back?" She asks through her tears.

"Yes," I reply.

"Oh my God," she whispers, "let me out of here."

"My dear," I explain, "till I regain my full powers, we'll have to stay here. Once my powers fully bloom, I'll be able to get us any residence. You only have to ask. We will rule over this world as queen and king, my dear."

"No," she frantically shakes her head, "I don't want anything. I just want to go back to my old life. Please wake me up from this nightmare."

I was hurt. Did she consider this a nightmare? I can't possibly be a nightmare. I will change it. 

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