Warriors Of The Witch

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Thuds resounded through the forest, reaching the ears of the frightened villagers hiding in their homes. 

Watching, waiting...

They were getting closer.

In their range of hearing were cries and screams.

"Please, don't hurt him!" "Stop!" "No!" Echoed through.

Finally, the soldiers found the village. The leader, Cadoc, pounded his spear over the leaf blanketed ground.

"We are here to take the Chosen One!" They shouted.

One of the captives had a worried look on her tender face. 

"The Chosen does not reside here!"

In a house nearby, a young teen's eyes bulged. She knew that voice. It was her sister, Amara! She had been missing from the village for one month, but they never found her.

Until now, it seemed she was missing.

Fear and rage tore through Elarya's heart.

Yes, that was her name; Elarya. 

Carefully she peeked through the handmade wooden blinds, to see her sister covered in purple bruises and flesh deep wounds.

"No." She whispered.

The leader took his sword and placed the blade on Amara's neck. 

"If the Chosen One shall as a coward hide, one mother shall rest without one living child."

The sword started to draw scarlet liquid from Amara's neck.

"Stop!" Elarya gathered up the courage and swiftly sprang from her hiding.

Cadoc's eyes turned red. A deep, dark evil shade.

He smirked at the soldiers in satisfaction and the rest of the villagers and captives dared not to breathe.

If the sword was taken away from Amara's neck, Elarya would be the chosen one.

It was.

Tears slipped off Amara's dirty face as she shook her head.

"Elarya," She croaked, "run."

Elarya stood still, refusing to listen. She instantly regretted her choice as Cadoc walked closer, inspecting her arms, body, face. 

"Anezka, lliw uoht emoc hitw su? (Serenian for "Anezka, will you come with us?"

The girl remained unmoving; staring into her sister's eyes.

Fear ran through her body. Whatever adrenaline burst had made her come out of hiding had run out.

She closed her eyes as a tear slipped out. She had faced the Serenians. There would be no way to resist...

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