II - met again

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"Who was that anyway and why is he chasing you?!" Yuma asked frantically as the both of pant from all the running you've done

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"Who was that anyway and why is he chasing you?!" Yuma asked frantically as the both of pant from all the running you've done.

"I don't know! He accused me for stealing his other heel even though I didn't and I got angry because of that to the point that I-" You stopped for a second as you continued to catch your breath.

"-called him a bitch and then he chased me." You continued. Yuma looked at you with an expression full of disbelief.

"What?! He accused you for being a thief?! Hold up- I'm not done with him yet." Yuma sternly said as she was about to go out again and confront him when you grabbed her by her arms to stop her.

"No please it's fine, thanks Yuma... but you really don't have to, he might do something bad to you. Throwing him that heel is already enough and uh, you should have at least threw something that won't hurt that much." You said as you tried to make your friend sit down on the couch.

"Nah he deserves it." She huffed as she flops on the couch while crossing her arms.

"Well, yeah technically... kinda hope he's not bleeding though." You muttered.

"Oh, well I hope he's bleeding." Yuma said which made you turn to her as you lightly smacked her on her arms.

"Ow! I'm just kidding..." She pouted as she rubs the spot that you hit.

You didn't even smacked her that hard- so dramatic.

"I know, now let's go and eat. I'm hungry now, you promised to make me chicken teriyaki in return of helping you." You grinned as you stood up and headed towards the dining room.

Yuma chuckled as she stood up and followed behind you. "Fine, you're always active when it comes to food."


"One hop this time! One hop this time! Right foot two stomps. Left foot two stomps. Slide to-"

You heard your phone's ringtone as it vibrates on the top of the table beside you. Yuma looked at you weirdly, trying her best not to laugh since she still has food in her mouth as you flashed her an innocent grin.

the boy with heels | Seishu I.Where stories live. Discover now