Shyness of Keyu

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They didn't know that there are two people who heard what Mika said so they went closer to them.

"Ay! Keyu. What was the thing we heard that your lips are bleeding? What happened? Liu Yu asked

Nine looked at Daniel and saw that its lips had a cut. So he thought of asking something.

"Keyu, did you and Patrick had a fight?" Daniel looked to Nine with a confused look then Liu Yu looked at Nine and to Daniel with a questioning look same goes with Mika.

So all three of them looked at Daniel with all questioning look. Daniel is a bit silent so Liu Yu then talks

"Keyu, Is it true on what Xiao Jiu ask? Are you and Patrick had a fight?"

"Ay man, Daniel what really happened?" Mika asked him since he is silent.

"Well if you won't be telling anything. I think I better ask Patrick instead."

When Nine is almost ready to leave. Daniel called him.

"DON'T!" Daniel looked at Nine and to Liu Yu and Mika and took a deep breath.

"We didn't had a fight."

"Then what happened? Why do you have a cut to your lips?..."

"Don't tell me that you two...."

Daniel cut Nine off to what he is supposed to be saying.

"NO, We didn't do that."

"Then what really happened? Tell it to us. Don't make us guess what happened."

Daniel nodded

"Did you remember earlier that when you and Patrick are talking I went over to the both of you."

"Yeah, then?"

"Patrick is resting his head to his knees and I asked him if he's okay.. And if he eaten something he shook his head."

"Okay, then how did you get a cut in your lips?" Liu Yu asked.

"Well..... It was just an accident...."

"So it was an accident? But how did it happen? You will not get any cut without any reason or cause." Nine looking at Daniel with questioning look and raising an eyebrow.

"I am... forcing Patrick to eat and drink the snacks I bought with Mika." Daniel looked at Mika and Mika nodded since Nine and Liu Yu looked to Mika as a confirmation.

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