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They were lazing on the couch, legs entwined and fingers tracing circles over each other’s sweat-sheened torsos while kissing occasionally. Wei Wuxian had his head over Lan Wangji’s heart listening to it’s steady staccato as his heartbeat matched its rhythm.
He wished all mornings to be like this. Peaceful and sated. The after-glow of their love-making still lingered on them, the scents permeating the surrounding as if making their presence known to anyone who would dare to invade this space ever again. He smiled unconsciously, his happiness knowing no bounds.
When he felt the arms around him tighten, he looked up to see Wangji staring at him, his lips quirked up in a soft smile, his eyes shining bright, crinkled at the corners. He smiled back.
“Are we gonna stay like this forever?” He asked, eyebrows wiggling in mischief.
“Why? Don’t you want to?”
“I do, but my stomach seems to have other ideas,” Wuxian shrugged.
Wangji chuckled as he pulled him closer still and placed a kiss on his forehead. “Then let’s get dressed. We'll go grab some lunch.”
“Lan Zhan, can we go to the uni? I have to collect a few things from the art studio.”
“Sure thing.”
Wuxian still didn’t make a move to get up though, his fingers making patterns on the other’s skin.
“Uh.. I kinda ripped your shirt.” Wuxian pursed his lips trying not to grin.
“And that makes you so smug.” Wangji chuckled, pulling him up and nipping his earlobe.
“I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it.” Wuxian hid his face at the crook of Wangji’s shoulder and neck.
“And I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it either.” Wangji replied, the laughter quite evident in his tone.
“You just like me being out of control.”
“I do.”
“I want you again.”
Wangji smirked. “I thought you were hungry?”
This time Wangji laughed out loud. “You’re adorable, you know that? And every day you make me love you more.”
Wuxian’s cheeks flushed as he hid his face again. “I love you more everyday too.” He whispered in his boyfriend’s ears, his breath sending tingles over the other’s body, making his skin breakout in goosebumps.
“Fuck! You’ll be the death of me, Wei Ying.” He grabbed a handful of Wuxian’s hair as he pulled his head away from his neck and looked him straight in the eye. “Ride me, bunny and then I'll feed you.”
Wuxian’s eyes widened as he scrambled up from his perch and straddled the other’s prone body, grinding his butt against the already hard member. After making love so many times at night, he was already loose enough to not need any lube, so he just lined himself up and slid down, taking him deep in one go. He threw his head back as pleasure shot through him in waves after waves. Wuxian was sure by the end of it all he would be so sore as to not be able to walk properly but he didn’t care.
He needed Wangji inside him.
Wangji looked at him with heated eyes, his fingers worrying the erect buds on his chest, making Wuxian moan lewdly. The other started riding him slowly at first and then with frantic movements as he got close to his release.
Wangji’s hands travelled languidly from his chest to his hips, supporting his weight so as not to tire him out too much. “That’s it, bunny. I want to see your face when you come… So beautiful.”
Wuxian’s actions had now reached a feverish pitch, his legs and thighs hurt but the need for the sweet friction inside him was more than his need to walk. He could always ask Wangji to carry him, he thought to himself. He opened his eyes to look down at his boyfriend who was straining hard to not release.
“Lan Zhan, come with me.”
It was not a demand nor a request but Wangji nodded. “Now.”
They both shattered at once, Wuxian’s all over Wangji’s abdomen and chest and Wangji spilling inside him, prolonging Wuxian’s pleasure until he collapsed over Wangji like a lifeless doll.
“Ahh... that was good. You're so addictive, I can never have enough of you.”
Wangji kissed him hard, leaving a bruise on his lower lips. When he let go of the other’s lips, Wuxian touched his lips tenderly. Wangji also sported a similar bite mark on his lips which now was turned up to show the most incredible smile.
“So beautiful…” Wuxian echoed Wangji’s previous statement.
Just then Wangji’s phone beeped. He sighed as he leaned over to grab it from the table nearby without dislodging Wuxian. He opened the incoming message and frowned. As if sensing the change in mood, Wuxian tried to get up but was held in place by firm hands.
“Don’t get up. Let me stay inside...”
“What’s wrong Lan Zhan?”
Wangji didn’t say anything but turned his phone towards Wuxian who also frowned when he realised what it was.
There were images of Qin Su with a guy all over the twitter even though the guy's face was blurred or cropped, the twitter handled indicated that the guy was in fact Lan Wangji.
“She really needs to back off.” Wuxian grumbled.
“Wei Ying, these images are not real. It’s not…”
Wuxian placed a finger on top of Wangji’s lips, putting a stop to whatever explanation he wanted to provide. He could see the fear in the other’s eyes, like he expected Wuxian to just get up and walk away. But he had promised Wangji and himself that he wouldn’t make that kind of mistake again. It was time to put it into practice. “I trust you, Lan Zhan. I know it’s not you in this picture. How could I not distinguish between your body and someone else’s, when you’re right inside me at this moment?” He flexed his hips, to prove his point.
Wangji’s eyes widened and he gulped. “Wei Ying.. I-”
“I trust you.” Wuxian said again, wiping any doubts that would rear its ugly head in Wangji’s thoughts. “I love you. You’re mine and I am yours. That’s all that matters. I won’t leave you. Not now, not ever.”
Wangji finally sighed in relief and gathered Wuxian in his arms, seeking comfort from the embrace. “I love you,” he whispered.
They stayed like that for sometime before Wuxian wiggled back from the hug to look at the picture on the phone again.
“Now, what are we gonna do about this... bitch?”
Lan Wangji gave him a lopsided smile. “What's on your mind?”
“I want to let her taste her own medicine. But before that, we need proof that it was actually her who did all this.”
“Sang is a computer whiz, right? How about we ask him for help?”
Wuxian smiled, “Of course! Let me quickly call him.”
NHS: Xian! What a surprise for you to call me this early in the day? I thought you would still be… you know… umm.. occupied… hehe
WWX: *Rolling his eyes* Remind me why I'm friends with you again? Also, Cheng tattled, didn’t he?
NHS: Of course he did! He’s my boyfriend, plus no one can resist my persuasion powers.
WWX: *Sighing* Whatever.
NHS: Don’t whatever me and give me the deets. What happened last night? Please tell me you guys fucked until both of you came screaming.
*Lan Wangji chuckling in the background*
WWX: *Snorting* I don't fuck and tell.
NHS: So, you did! Tell me. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Spare no details please...
WWX: What? No, are you nuts?
NHS: Prude.
WWX: Asshole.
NHS: *Tutting* Why did you call me by the way?
WWX: Ah yes, I want your help with something.
NHS: Is that ‘something’ illegal in nature?
WWX: *Biting his lower lip* Maybe?
NHS: Cool! I'm in.
WWX: *Shakes his head* I have criminals for friends.
NHS: *Scoffs* Shall I hang up then?
WWX: You could but then you would miss out on something big!
NHS: *Enthusiastically* What is it? I do have an inkling that it has something to do with the tweets today? C'mon, spill!
WWX: So, you've seen them already? I'm sure others have too. It's gonna spread everywhere now.
NHS: I can hack into that account and delete everything.
WWX: Wait a sec. *Background conversation between Wuxian and Wangji.*
“What do you think, Lan Zhan? Should we do it? What if we get caught?”
*Lan Wangji in the background* Don’t worry about anything. Brother and I will take care of it.
WWX: *Back on the phone* OK, do it.
NHS: I really like Lan Wangji, you know.
WWX: Why? Because he supports your illegal activities?
NHS: No. Because he’s such a badass. If I wasn't in love with Cheng, I'm pretty sure I'd chase him.
WWX: *Narrowing his eyes* Hmm. Too bad he’s mine. Hands off, bitch
NHS: *Whistling* Holy-shit! Who are you? What have you done to my friend?
WWX: *Rolling his eyes* Are we gonna start again?
NHS: *Chuckling* OK, OK! What else?
WWX: Find out the IP address of the person who posted those pictures. I have my suspicion, but not without proof.
NHS: Me too. I can’t wait to take them down. Oooo this is going to be so much fun! I'll get back to you sometime in the next hour.
WWX: Thanks, Sang.
Sure enough, Huaisang called him back with the information within an hour.
NHS: It is her.
WWX: And the guy?
NHS: Who else? Su She.
WWX: How'd you find out? His face is either blurred or cropped.
NHS: I hacked into her email and then her laptop. I found the pictures there.
WWX: And?
NHS: *Snickers* I deleted all of them. After I screencap all of them, with their original folders and original pictures. It's incriminating enough to put them away if you want.
WWX: Thanks, Sang.
NHS: What are you gonna do about her now?
WWX: I'm pissed, so is Lan Zhan.
NHS: A pissed Lan Wangji is a sight to behold.
WWX: Stop thirsting over my boyfriend!
NHS: *Tutting* So possessive, Xian. Anyway, what’s the plan?
WWX: Let me discuss with Lan Zhan and I'll let you know. Meet us at the canteen at lunch, OK?
NHS: OK. See ya.
He disconnected the call and looked at Wangji. While they had waited for Huaisang to call, they had showered and Wangji had given one of his spare shirts to Wuxian as he settled for a white T-shirt.
“You always have spares here?”
“I crash here sometimes, so it's convenient to just have extra clothes handy. And now I'm glad I had them.”
“This will be a little loose on me though.”
“Doesn’t matter. You look good in everything. Also, I like you wearing my shirt. Show the world that you’re mine.”
“Such a brute...” Wuxian chuckled as he slipped on the shirt. Wangji came towards him and slid his hands around him from behind. His long, slender fingers did quick work on the buttons and Wuxian was ready in no time. He then kissed his nape and bit him there leaving a hickey.
“Oww!” Wuxian smacked the arm holding him but smiled at him fondly before his smile dimmed a little. “Lan Zhan, now that we know for sure it’s her, we need to send her a clear message so that she stops fucking with us. It’s pissing me off.”
“Mn. I don’t care about myself but she conspired with Su She to hurt you. I won’t take that lightly. She needs to be put in her place. Pity be damned.”
“I agree. She tried to publicly shame you and I and then tried to separate us and almost succeeded. I hate her!”
Wangji placed his chin on the other’s shoulder as he contemplated. “Mn, I have the perfect plan.”
“Are you gonna share?” Wuxian turned around in his embrace and wiggled his eyebrows curiously.
When Lan Wangji told him the plan, he contemplated for some time and then nodded. “Yes! That’s perfect.” He kissed Wangji enthusiastically. “You’re the best, Lan Zhan!”

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