I dont know or care

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Isabellas POV

As we walk into the club I can tell tell this night will be amazing , we all sat down on a round table .

The waitress came over with some shots we all gulped them down quickly.

" how are you doin beautiful " Damon asks .
( Damon is one of Travis friends )

I knew he wanted sex and I wanted it to do I decided to play along and tease him as much as I can .

" really good handsome , how about you, how are you " I asked . I normally don't flirt with them but I felt like messing with him tonight .

Don't get me wrong Damon is hot , but I don't do relationships . I don't think he does either but I don't want it to be awkwardly anything.

" dance with me lovely " Damon whispered .

Honestly as I told Sofia and Bella I wanted to get laid so why not .

I put my hand in his and we both went to the dance floor .

We swayed to the music , then a slow song was put i started swaying my hips and waist very slowly and he had his hands on me I heard some groans from him .

The song ended and we went to the table .

" damnnn didn't know you could dance like that " Ricardo said ( Travis friend)

" let's play dare or shot " Sofia said .

Everyone agreed .

We played for a few minutes .

The bottle landed on me .

" I dare you to make out with Damon for 40 seconds with tongue while sitting on his lap "
Travis said .

I could see Damon got so excited.

" gladly . " I said .

I sat on his lap and connected our lips I didn't feel sparks or butterflies but it was rough our tongues danced fighting for dominance he won , I wanted to mess with him so I moved my hips a little I got a groan , and as it was getting better I got ripped of him .

There was someone punching with , I ran to them and pushed the guy of Damon .

" what the fuck , who the fuck are you ? " I yelled .

He ignored my question and yelled " why the hell were you kissing him?  " . 

Oh no he did not I was going to kill him .

" it's non of your business " I yelled . I didn't give him a chance to finish and yelled again .
"Who the fuck are you?  " .

" your fucking fiancé " . Ok this guy was definitely high or drunk .

" ya dude I don't know what the hell you smoke or drank but I will give you 1 minute and I swear if you aren't out of my face I will put a bullet through this thick ass head of yours " i yelled .

He got out of the club i muttered a fucking dumass .

" yo what the hell was that " Ricardo asked

" he was probably drunk , let's go girls " I waved to both Sofia and Bella .

I got out and went to the car , soon after 5 minutes Bella and Sofia came well Bella was dragging Sofia behind her .

They both got in and I spend off after a while of science bella broke it .

This font is Bella .
This is Isabella .
This is Sofia .

" so what the hell happened "

" I don't know he was probably drunk , it's good that he left bec I would have killed him right there "

" I mean the guy seamed pretty serious to me I don't think he was drunk "

" me too , maybe he is the guy that ur dad was taking about "

" guys can we please not talk about this at all can we please just go home , you guys have alcohol right ? "

" umm of course we do , why "

" cause I will drink until I can't remember my own name , who's in "

" fuck ya me "

" me too " .

We finally get home and open the drawers and cabinets taking out every single bottle of alcohol we have .



I was going to publish this one and the other chapter together but something happened and I had to rewrite it , I hope you enjoy it , drama coming in the next chapter .

Kays ❤️

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