Chapter 1!!!

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 A/N: Hey! so this is my first fanfic on Wattpad! One Direction doesn't occur yet in this chapter, but they will soon! Please comment!! Thanks for reading! (: 

                                                                  ***CHAPTER ONE***                

   "I am going to miss you so much Lauren!" My best friend Kennedy exclaimed as we were walking to my house after school.

     "I'm going to miss you too Kennedy, I promise I will talk to you as much as possible!" I told Kennedy as we were walking up the steps to my house. I opened the door to my house to find my dad sitting in the living room talking on his phone. Probably to his soon-to-be-wife.

     "Hey Mr.Green! How's it going?!" My best friend, Kennedy, asked my dad.

     "Be quiet Kennedy! Can't you tell his on the phone with his lover!" I joked. We laughed as we made our way upstairs to my room. I plopped on my bed and sighed. I stared up at the ceiling daydreaming about what England will be like, my new family, school, and friends. What if my new family doesn't like me? Or what if I get lost at school, or nobody likes me at school?



     "LAUREN GREEN!!!" Kennedy yelled at me. Whoops... must have zoned out while she was trying to talk to me.

     "Yes my beloved friend Kennedy? What would you like on this fine evening?" I asked in an awful attempt of a British accent trying not to laugh.

     "What were you thinking about Lo?" Kennedy asked me using my nickname she had for me.

     "Just thinking about England... What if nobody at my new school likes me? Or my step-family doesn't like me? Or if-" I got cut off by Kennedy telling me that everyhting was going to be fine and everybody would love me and I gave her a reassuring smile even though I was still extremely nervous.

     "Girls do you want something to eat?!" My dad yelled from downstairs. I looked at Kennedy and she shrugged then nodded her head.

     "We will be right down dad!" I yelled from my room. We ran down the stairs and sat at the counter in the kitchen. Kennedy sat down next to me.

     "So where exactly in England are you moving to?" Kennedy asked to both my dad and me. I shrugged and told her I had no idea.

     "It is a small town called Holmes Chapel. You are welcome to come visit in the summers, I am sure Lauren would enjoy that!" My dad informed Kennedy and me. Kennedy and I looked at each other and smiled the biggest smiles ever.

     "OMG are you for real dad?! That's the best news ever! Are you sure it's fine with Anne? (My soon-to-be-stepmother)" I asked my dad excitedly.

     "Well you and Kennedy have been best friends since you were just babies and so I think it would be great if she could come visit! I checked with Anne and she said it is perfectly fine her!" My dad told us with a smile. Kennedy and I squealed with excitement and Kennedy said, "We must go on a shopping trip! You need new clothes for England and well... I just like shopping." I nodded my head and looked at my dad asking for permission.

     "Go ahead it's fine with me but be back before dinner!" My dad told me. I nodded then Kennedy and I ran upstairs to grab our shoes and we headed off for the mall.

    "I am exhausted! We literally shopped till we dropped!" I said as I set all my new clothes on the floor of my room. Kennedy agreed then did the same. I got 5 new shirts, 3 pairs of shorts, a pair of Toms, and 2 dresses that Kennedy insisted I got in case of any guys.

     "Wanna spend the night tonight?" I asked Kennedy. Kennedy shrugged and said, "Yeah sure. Let me ask my mom." I nodded and started putting my new clothes away. My dad yelled from the bottom of the stairs, "GIRLS! DINNER!" We both ran downstairs.

     "Good, I'm starved!" I exclaimed. My dad and Kennedy laughed at this.

     "You sure do like your food! You just ate not 2 hours ago!" Kennedy laughed. I stuck my tongue out at her and continued eating my food.

     "Oh my mom said yes by the way Lauren." Kennedy informed me. I smiled at her and nodded.

     Kennedy and I finished dinner and are now watching Mean Girls in my room. We laughed along to it and saying the lines along with the movie. I was definitely going to miss this girl. Summer is too long away after we move. Speaking of... only a week and 4 days left until I move to England!

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