Chapter 4!

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A/N: Another update!! YAY! Haha although I don't think people really like my story... but please comment?! And/or vote?! Thanks! and thankyou for reading! Here is chapter 4!


Harry and I have been texting back and forth nonstop. I have also been texting the mystery boy. Turns out he isn't a complete stranger... well sort of. He still won't tell me who he is, but he gives me hints. I know he knows Harry somehow, so I aksed Harry who he was and he said that he wants to keep it a secret. He is no help.

"Lauren! Can you come help for a second?!" I heard my dad yell from downstairs. I ran downstairs to see what he needed my help with.

"Yes dad?"

"Lauren! I need you to help me with those last couple of boxes." He told me. I did what he said and asked, "Is that all?"

"Yes, thankyou Lauren it's very hectic right now since we are moving tomorrow!" My dad said sounding really excitedly. Yep.. we are moving tomorrow, which means we have to ship all our stuff today. Harry offered for us to fly to England in his private jet with him and his bandmates. And before I could say anything my dad agreed. Thanks dad, thanks. A plane ride from Atlnata to England... with 5 teenage guys. Apparently we have to be at the airport by 6:00 in the morning! That is really early!!

Once my dad got all the boxes loaded in his car, he left to go to the postal place to have them shipped to our new house. Which left me at home alone. I went up to my room and got my laptop out and sat on my bed doing pointless things on my laptop. I got a text from Harry so I opened it.

From: Harry Styles (soon-to-be-step-bro)

Hey Lauren!! CANT WAIT TILL TOMORROW!!!! The boys are excited about finally meeting you! So am I!! (Well physically meeting you anyways..)The plane ride will be so much fun!! Anyways.. I'm bored so that is why I sent you this pointless text! ;P

I laughed at his text and decided to reply since I am extrememly bored out of my mind too.

To: Harry Styles (soon-to-be-step-bro)

Ello Harry!!! Haha I CANT EITHER!!!!! And I am Excited about meeting "the boys" too although are you sure they will like me? Also, you say you are excited about meeting me?! Psh I get to meet THE Harry Styles and "the boys" Lol and I'm bored out of my mind too, so that is why I replied.

I sent my text then got a text from "Mystery Boy" I opened it and read

From: Mystery Boy

Hi Lauren! What are you up to?! I heard you were bored.. So therefore, I shall text you to keep you entertained! :D

What?? How in the world did he know?! I just told Harry I was bored.. unless...

To: Mystery Boy


I sent my message and got back on my laptop. I decided to watch my absolute favorite movie... PITCH PERFECT! Hahaha I just love Fat Amy...

I was about halfway through the movie when I FINALLY got a text back from "Mystery Boy"

From: Mystery Boy

Nope! Not Harry, good guess though! Your getting relatively closer! (;

I sighed and set my phone down. Darn! I thought it was Harry! Hmmm. I continued watching Pitch Perfect until my dad came home.

"Lauren! I have dinner!" My dad shouted from the kitchen. I ran down the stairs to the kitchen as fast as I could.

"What kind of food? I hope it is Chinese!!" I said, I love Chinese food. My dad chuckled and nodded then handed me my food. I smiled then went to go sit down at the table. My dad joined me and we sat and ate our food in silence.

"Are you excited for the move dad?" I asked my dad. He looked up at me and smiled then he said, "Very, are you? Oh! And will you be okay on the plane?" My dad asked me in return. I looked down at my plate messing with my food until i looked back up at him. I nodded and said, "I'm very excited as well. And yeah dad, I will fine. It happened 7 years ago anyways." My dad gave me an are you sure look and I retuned it with a reassuring smile. After I finished my food. I went up to my room to finish watching Pitch Perfect. When it was over I got ready for bed, then put my headphones in and fell asleep. I need to be well rested for tomorrow! Only 1 more night until I move to England!

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