I dont trust him

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Freddy's POV
      "Remember class those worksheets are due before class tomorrow" Mr.Afton said as we all left the classroom. He waved goodbye with a smile on his face, he looked at me still with a smile on his face, it made me so uncomfortable.

After we left we walked to our lockers, "Fred, why don't you like him?" Bonnie asked "Um... well-" , I started until Foxy started "Who does caption not like?" "Its nothing foxy", "Thats not fair, just because you and the captain are closer doesn't mean you two have to keep secrets!" Foxy whined "Foxy calm down, we're not keeping secrets" I stated. "Who's keeping secrets?"Chica asked popping out behind me, startling me. "No one chi" Bonnie answered, "Oh, well how was Mr.Afton?", She asked as the three of us look at each other, Bonnie and I gave each other worried looks while Foxy gave us a confused look, "Captain doesn't like him", Foxy blurted out. "Foxy!",Bonnie yelled smacking him in the back of his head.

"Wait what, why don't you like him?", "It's not that I don't like him...Its just...I just don't trust him." I answered her "Why not?" , "Maybe we'll see when we go to class next" Goldie answered. "If Freddy thinks somethings wrong we should trust it" Goldie continued, smiling at his brother, I smiled back at him, "Awww" Chica, Bonnie and Foxy said in union. "What?", "Sorry, its just that you two are sooo cute!" Chica answered with the biggest smile on her face, while Foxy and Bonnie nodded in agreement. I went from a smile to frown, "What! Goldie can't help that he's adorable!" She continues squeezing his cheeks, "C-Chica" he studders trying to take her hands off his face. Foxy joins in messing with his hair while laughing.

I smirked, their not wrong Goldie is adorable. "But seriously, why don't you trust him?" Bonnie whispered to me "I just get this bad feeling from him, the way he looked at me... it made me feel so uncomfortable, we need to look into this", "yeah, we'll talk more about it at lunch Fazhead" he whispered back with a smirk, I smirked back.

"HEYYY! You guys are sharing secrets again!!" Foxy whined again, Chica stopped messing with Goldie and they both looked up at us in confusion. "I get you two are close but you don't have to hide something from us" She complained looking away "Aww Chica, you know I wouldn't hide anything from you" Bonnie teased poking her cheek. She started to blush, then Bonnie realized what he said and started to blush too. "Ar lovebirds we're here too" I snorted and Goldie started to giggle. "SHUT UP FOXY!!" They yelled in union, Foxy was going to defend himself until the bell rung.

"Well It's Goldie and I's time to check out Mr.Afton for ourselves, wish us luck" Chica said waving, Goldie following behind, "Have fun! See you guys later" Foxy said jogging to his next class, "See ya Fred." Bonnie said waving, "See ya" I waved back walking to class.

Maybe I'm over thinking this, Mr.Afton looks creepy but maybe he's actually nice, I can't jugde a book by its cover... but I still feel that somethings off about him, maybe I should just trust my gut.

*The Character Encyclopedia

- Shadow Freddy He's annoying -_- . Everyone would say he's a goody two shoes, which is partly right, he's very smart and very convincing. There's a rumor that says that he made Shadow.B his friend just to use her. For some reason he has a hate obsession with Freddy, always trying to over shadow him. He also has a huge ego, thinking that he's better than everyone else, thats why many people don't like him, still don't know how shadow.B became his friend but okay.

- Shadow Bonnie She so friendly and kind of quiet, she's just as smart as Shadow.F. She likes to read. I feel bad that she's friends with someone like that. She follows him around like sad puppy, poor girl. People have seen her walk into The Phantom Hallway and walk out without a scratch, which is weird cause Shadow.F isn't allowed, only the Phantoms are allowed, It seems sneaky. Maybe she's friends with someone.

*The Paper Pals

-Buddy He's super friendly, always smiling and laughing. Very energetic , loves telling jokes. He's always with his friends ( Teddy & Bon ).

He's quite calm, always trying to calm down Buddy cause of his hyper behavior. Spends most of his time reading and hanging with his friends.

He's calm and could get hyper at times but is overall calm, very protective of his friends. Likes sports and is always talking about it to his friends.

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