Chapter 22: Third Wheel II

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Was it 3 days or more? Maybe even less.

Liu Ying was supposed to discover the tunnel that led them out of this underground location. I wanted to tag along and encourage her to go find the way out, but she would tell me to stay behind with Li Runze, the pitiful, injured child. If it was me who was stabbed, would they even think to help me stay alive?

We couldn't tell if it was day or night. Only slept when tired and ate when hungry.

I was boiling some congee in a metal cup. Afraid I would become deserted, much like our current situation, I already packed a small amount of rice, beef jerky and medicine. Luckily, for the 2 main characters, they didn't have to starve.

"What did you pack in that bag?" Li Runze questioned.

Looking at him from the corner of my eyes, I replied, "Anything I need to survive out in the wild."

"Why does it seem like you knew something like this would happen?"

Stunned that he figured it out, I put on a poker face and said, "What are you talking about? I'm the type of traveler who brings their whole wardrobe. I pack everything. Who would have thought we'd get attacked?"

That part was true in a way. I thought we were going to get ambushed by bandits, but turned out we ran into some trained assassins. Just who were they after?

I used two pieces of wood to lift the metal cup away from the fire. Setting it down, I blow on the congee while using the spoon to stir.

"Here, Li Runze. Eat something, will ya? You can't keep holding off. You need energy to heal. Don't expect me to carry you out of here." I brought the spoon to his mouth. He backed away, avoiding it.

"I don't want to eat that."

"Tsk. Don't be like a picky child. This is all I have. You can eat this along with beef jerky. It's a rather decent meal."

He didn't say another word. His lips still pressed together.

"Oh, I see. Because it's me, you don't want to eat. I'll have Liu Ying come."

I was about to get up, but Li Runze waved his hand to stop me.

"Don't bother her. My hands aren't broken. I'll eat it myself."

"Oh." I forgot his hands worked fine. When caring for someone, you'd just want to ease their pain and do everything for them. But he wasn't completely helpless, so I left the food for him to eat.

As he moved the spoon to his lips, he swallowed a bit of the liquid. The beef jerky was cut up into bite size pieces, so I laid that out for him.

Liu Ying returned with more broken debris to burn.

"Liu Ying, find anything?" I asked.

She responded, "Nothing. The main entrance was where we fell. The back entrance to the temple has been blocked with rocks."

"There's no other tunnel?"

"I haven't found any."

Although she is the Female Lead, I wonder if I can just lead us out? I think the tunnel out of here is located even more underground. The opening was underneath a latch inside the temple kitchen.

"Why don't we search inside the temple instead of the outskirts?" I suggested.

"Would there be anything inside there?"

"Possibly. Who knows? We've got to try searching everywhere. Why don't I go check and you stay here with Li Runze?" I stood up and walked in her direction.

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