Chapter 15: Our Secret II

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"What is going on with you and Li Runze?" Physician Huang asked as we watched the other three with lit lanterns in their hands. About to send them off with the hundreds already floating down the river, Wen Lu and Liu Ying merrily converse.

Wen Lu doesn't even know she's interrupting the build of their romance! Ai-yah...

Startled he asked me such a thing, I stuttered. "W-- What do you mean?"

"It's just you two hated each other so much before. Now you both seem... awkward. Is there something I need to know?"

"There's nothing important you need to be aware of. We've just decided to move on and forget each other's offense."

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure!"

"Doesn't sound like Li Runze... nor you."

"Well, it's all for the best, isn't it?"

"Then what about Wen Lu?"

"What about her? You invited her."

Physician Huang looked at me with an annoyed expression. "The whole city knows she's your woman. What are you going to do about that?"

I grimaced at that sudden realization. I openly stood up to another man for Wen Lu's honor. Quite embarrassing on my end.

"What am I supposed to do? Make her my wife?" I laughed hesitantly. "Do you think Mother knows? Will she be angry?"

"There's nothing she can do. She raised you like this. She has to accept your decisions."

Hmm... I guess what he says makes sense. I just don't know if Mother will be happy with this, but I can't change it.

"Well, I'm going to join them and light a lantern." Physician Huang walked to the others, paying for a lantern from a stall nearby.

He stood next Wen Lu, and she turned to politely chat with him. I couldn't really hear what they were saying. At that moment, Liu Ying looked up at Runze. Their eyes lingering for more than a few minutes, their lips quivering as if about to reveal their deepest longing for one another.

"Cringe to be witnessing this every other second." I shook my head.

Now this scene... is something straight out of a drama! It's just a pity... I'm not even a participating member! What kind of sad transmigration experience is this?

Restrained squeaking like rope being pulled apart could be heard overhead. I quickly glanced up and saw the lantern hanging on the outer ceiling was about to fall. A young man was leaning on the fence underneath and didn't even notice. As soon as the lantern fell, I rushed over and pulled him back. A alarmed yell escaped his lips, his arms wrapped around my waist.

The lantern dropped on the pavement. Gravity's pull shattered the wooden frame, waving the fire inside out of existence.

"Are you all right, sir?" I looked down at him, his eyes staring deeply into mine. His hold tightened.

Why does he-- Why does he look like Guang Hong?!

"I'm fine--" He started to say.

"Ah!" I let go of his weight and he fell on the ground. He yelped out in pain, unable to stand back up. "G-- Guang Hong?! W-- Why do you look like Guang Hong?!"

"Guang Hong? Who is Guang Hong?" He muttered.

Another look-a-like from my world?!

"Stay away from me!" I yelled and ran. Forgetting about the crew I came with, I left and went back to the manor.

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