The Third Act:Απελπισία

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Border town, Yharnam (if you know you know)

The stench of burning flesh is platible, Mina has heard of their hunts. Their hunts ranging of beasts and each other, if one falls to the urges. Her brother long ago once took part in a hunt. He was never the same afterward. The atrocities that he saw took a toll on his mental state. Nevertheless, Mina continue forward, ignoring the anguish around her. The screams of people as they are burned alive or maybe even cleaved to death. Mina has no room to step in, she has no power here, where blood is absolute.

The stench of blood is evident by the blood painting the walls. She knows of the Healing Church and she believes none of their heresy. But she will digress, as she continues on her path through Yharnam she sees the hunters of the healing church searching every nook and cranny. The church always took the hunt with serious. From Ludwig till now, they revel in the stench of beasts. Mina quickly makes her way past the hunters that ignore her as they saw that she is heavily armed. They've learned to never underestimate a woman from the stories of Lady Maria.

Mina takes a short while to reach the bridge at foot of the Healing Church. She feels something off of that bridge, she opts for another way around. She continues onward past the piles and piles of countless lifeless bodies that have been sent ablaze. She finds another bridge this one less threatening than the last. Hurrying across she runs into a tomb, the smell makes her gag as the man turns his head looking at her.

    "You don't belong here child," The man's voice rough as he takes his axe out of the body, blood dripping from it's blade.

       "I'm nothing be a traveler through the land, I don't wish for trouble," Mina says staring at the axe in his hand just in case he makes a move.

    "Your stench, you're Icathian?" he puts his axe away standing up straight.

        "Yes, I'm Icathian," She replies lowering her guard slightly.
    "Hmm, the second foreigner today it seems, the other one was Graxian."

        "Graxian?" She questions as this town is thousands of miles away from Smuei Grax.

     "Yes although, he didn't tell me directly, the way he spoke screamed Graxian. He was tall, white long hair, reminded me of a long lost friend."

     'Y/n' Mina thinks before moving her attention back to the man, "So you know where the exit of this town is?"

       "Head past the church, you'll find it and remember Fear the old blood."

(If you know who this man is we're married I don't make the rules.)

Mina thanks the old man before making her way up the stairs out of the tomb. She gets to the Cathedral Ward, the sounds of voices could be heard, she takes a peek around the corner. Haku, who she knows is actually Y/n, is there talking to the deformed creature on the ground. Haku knows she's around the corner as he turns to look in her direction as she quickly hides back around the corner.

     "Mina, I Know you're there," His deep voice echoes through the ward.

       Mina curses to herself, she knows that she can't defeat him yet, "Why are you here?" she comes out of hiding sitting up at the man that has a smirk on his face.

     "I'm just enjoying the scenery," He smiles as he looks around. The Gothic architecture that's most prevalent of the town of Yharnam. Mina can't help but to say it's beautiful,"why are you here? To join to the hunt? Or to find something that belongs to you?"

       "Why should I tell you?" Mina's voice laced with venom as the her anger is slowly getting the best of her.

   "Ara Ara, don't get mad, I already know why you're here, she's in Yharnam, she rather made a name for herself here under an alias," He says as he turns to walk out of the ward, "Be careful though, these atrocities are rather dangerous. Don't die until we fight little girl."

Mina starts to reaches for her sword, before she could draw, he disappears. She sighs letting go of her hilt. She looks down at the creature, the creature having turning breathing to the pressure coming from Mina. She quickly leaves making her up to the cathedral. The stench of bodies still prevalent but not as much as lower Yharnam. The air is tense, with the probability of someone becoming a beast keeps the hunters guards up. Mina with her hood up she continues past everyone, the less attention on her the better. She feels the energy of a goddess near,the energy draws her to the main cathedral.

(play the song)

There, kneels a woman, the woman that radiates goddess energy as it cracks the walls. She spots Y/n, staring down at the woman, his sword drawn. Mina draws hers quickly and dashes towards him. Slashing down, making a small hole in the floor as he dodges her sword with a smirk on his face. The woman kneeling, surprised that someone is here as she bleeds out onto the floor. With Mina on the offensive, the woman heals herself. Stopping the bleeding, the woman joins Mina in attacking Haku. Haku blocking both of their swords with ease as sparks fly. The smile on his face irks Mina, she knows that he is just toying with them.

     "Faster ladies, more power behind those frail swings," He taunts as he stares at them walking, they try to catch their breath. He's quick to attack slashing down with his katana. Leaving them no room to breath or counter,"You bore me."

    "Shut it Y/n," Mina screams out as she blocks his swing making a small crater in the floor.

    "Mina, Mina, you have to be stronger," He kicks her in the stomach sending her across the hall,"You even have Jihyo by your side fighting and yet you're weak and so is she."

    "Mina you have came for it," Jihyo jumps back landing next to her,"Take it and run, I'll hold him off," Jihyo hands her a small crystal ball brimming with goddess energy that could crack at any moment.

      "I can't just leave someone to die," She rebuttals holding onto the crystal.

    "Putting the aspect back into your body is a long and painful process you need to leave and now," Jihyo uses her power to push Mina out of the cathedral, locking the doors before turning back to Y/n.

        "Always putting others before yourself eh Jihyo?" He says as he turns to his normal form.

    "You know me heh, But we have to end this squabble," She says getting her blades ready infusing them with her power.

       "It pains me to have to do this, We were once lovers," He grips his katana raising it above his head, taking a kendo stance.

   "Once, once Y/n, not anymore sense you turned into he monster you are now," She starts to strife around him.

       "Yes the monster I've become, it's intoxicating," He smiles, she dashes fkeard aiming for his throat, he stares at her beautiful face once last time, "Goodbye Jihyo."

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