CH 8 The Meeting

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Blaine-- Greyson's mom Debbie above

"Sweetie?"I look down at Greyson with concern. He just nuzzles his face in my neck so I whisper in his ear "I love you." I know I should probably say I love you for the first time with some more romance but it feels right so I just put it out there. Greyson looks up at me all smiles "I love you too."

I'm beyond happy my Grey feels the same way about me as I do him. I start kissing him soft and tender while we lay in bed together. I figure I might as well go for broke. "Baby, I want you to move in with me, here. I love being home with you and I just want you to be here with me always."

Greyson smiles so big at me it melts my heart. "Yeah, really are you sure you want me here all the time?" I know my baby is a little insecure sometimes so I know I have to choose my words wisly. "Nothing would make me happier than to have you here living with me knowing that if I have to go into work during the week you would be here waiting for me, baby that would make me beyond happy." I can tell by look on Greyson face he believes me so I figure I better get his stuff here now before he can talk himself out of it.

"Why don't we head to your Mom's and get your stuff tonight, Do you think we need something bigger than my truck?" Greyson shakes his head no."Ok then lets get dressed and head over there now." Greyson jumps out bed and he actually looks a little excited which makes me feel good. I want him to know he is permanent to me. I try to show him what he means to me all the time but he is still extremly uncertain about his place in my life. I'm starting to think his ex Jeff really did a number on his self esteem. I hope with the I love you's he will start to believe me more and more and his self esteem will rise.

We dress in casual jeans to make moving his stuff easy and head to the garage. We jump in my F-150 and head towards his mothers while we are driving Greyson calls his Mom and she asks us to stay for dinner. I'm a little nervous I have never met his Mom and I know she is important to him so I'm hoping to make a good impression. I hope she doesn't mind Greyson moving in with me.

In no time we are pulling up to Grey's house and getting out of the truck in a weird silence. Greyson walks in the house tugging me along with him. We head for the kitchen and his mom is already cooking what looks like spagetti. She is in a yellow apron at the stove and looks just like Greyson with long blonde hair and blue eyes.

She glances over her shoulder at us and smiles before going back to stirring what's on the stove. Greyson is still standing there acting like my little baby holding my hand being bashful. Then it hits me oh shit does she know the kind of realsionship I have with her son that he calls me Daddy. Fuck Fuck.

I don't have time to dwell on my mini panic attack before Greyson's Mom introduces herself as Debbie and hugs Greyson and shakes my hand. She looks me right in the eye which isn't hard because for a woman she really is tall. "So what are your intentions with my son? You look older than I thought you would be." All I can think is Oh god Greyson have you told your mother anything about me.

I look between Debbie and Greyson "I love your son very much and he has brought light back into my life and I want to spend more time with him so I asked him to move in with me. I am very serious about Greyson and I think he feels the same ."

She looks very pleased with my response and I let out a breath of relief. "Well enough with the heavy stuff have a seat the food is done and I want to get to know you better." Debbie smiles and motions us to sit at the table.

We spend the next hour in half talking about the club, how successful I am for only being in my early 30's. I tell her how I struggled a lot in the early years but in the last four years have become stable with a healthy income from the club. Some of this stuff Greyson is hearing for the first time also and is transfixed on what I have to say.

It feels good being in a family setting again Debbie is a sweetheart and I can tell she really loves and adores Greyson. Eventually she asks about my family and I'm not sure what to say so I tell her it's complicated that we don't get along much. I do have a big family but I pretty much cut them out of my life and I leave it at that. Debbie thankfully moves the conversation along quickly.

When we finally finish talking I offer to help with the dishes, Debbie gratefully excepts and Greyson runs upstairs to start packing his clothes as that's all he really needs besides his personal items like his iPad and laptop.

Debbie questions me some more about My relationship with Greyson. "Are you not worried about the age difference, Blaine? You are quite a bit older than Greyson and I know my son is very immature for his age I hope you know that going into this."

I smile at her. "I think that's what actually makes us work. He pushes me to do new things and we really have fun together. Just having his company when we are at home doing nothing it's very soothing for me. I feel as though he has breathed life back into me. I was stuck for along time after my marriage fell apart but Grey has brought meaning and purpose back into my life."

I didn't notice Greyson was back in the room until he made a noise of distress.
"What you were married.?" He asks rather loudly and slightly panicked. Debbie looks uncomfortable "I will give you two some privacy." I smile at her as she leaves the kitchen looking rather uncomfortable.

I walk over and put my arms around Greyson. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't want to tell you like this but I was married for five years and then we separated and unfortunately we are still fighting over assets in a divorce." Greyson is slightly pale and I feel awful. "I'm sorry Greyson I guess I should have disclosed this information before I asked you to move in, I wasn't thinking I'm sorry love."

To Greyson's credit he doesn't freak out as bad as I thought he would. "I just have one question for you Blaine. Were you married to a woman? Because I'm not sure how I feel about that."

I laugh and Greyson gets mad quickly and slaps my arm. "No baby, my ex name is Cody. I have told you a little about him and how he is the reason I didn't date for so long. I had a hard time giving up on my marriage, but don't worry about him and me, he moved on rather quickly. It just took me longer to get over him. I should have known we were never getting back together when he had a boyfriend a few weeks after our spilt."

Greyson is looking slightly less pissed at me. "Why didn't you just tell me you were still married that's a big deal Blaine." I feel like a jerk for leaving out that information but all I can do is hope he forgives me."I'm sorry Greyson my marriage is still a very sensitive subject for me to discuss. I know it has been almost three years since we separated but I still feel really insecure over it."

Greyson walks over to the counter and jumps a little so he is sitting on it. I just sit at the table and wait for him to say something, anything. He finally puts me out of my misery. "Lets go home we will talk more about there. My poor mom is probably listening in anyways and I want some privacy to discuss this, come on I got most of my stuff ready we can get the rest later."

I am extremely relieved he is still moving in with me and I can't help the huge smile on my face as we walk into the living room where his mom is. She gets up and to my surprise hugs me and Greyson bye. "Be good to my son Blaine." I nod in response and Grey and I head out the front door.

We finally get in the truck and head home. It's getting close to midnight when we pull into the garage so we just go into our room and get ready for bed. I guess Greyson is going to sleep on all this new information about me and my past. I just hope tomorrow we can get everything settled before we both have to be at work. I hate going to sleep without things resolved but I know Grey needs time to process all this new information and I won't rush him just so I have peace of mind.

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