CH 5 The Wait

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Greyson's motorcycle above

Blaine's POV--

My mouth is full so I have at least a couple seconds to contemplate my answer. Whats next, it can be an easy answer like I take you home or a more complicated answer like I never want to let you leave. I'm not sure which I want to say more at the moment. I sallow my last bite and look into the lightest blue eyes I have ever seen "Greyson I really like you but I need some time to think about what exactly is next."

I can see his face drop, his eyes go to his feet that he is swinging while sitting on the high barstool. I feel bad, I want to comfort and reassure him but I have my own issues with relationships I'm not sure if I want the responsibility of being a boyfriend let alone a Daddy and I would hate to lead him on. Even though we have a great connection and he is so charming I'm just not sure that's enough.

"Greyson, look at me just give me a day or two to think about this I don't want to lead you on if I can't be what you need. I just need some time can you give me that?" Greyson's quite " I get it." breaks my heart. I have to at least leave off on a happy note with him I don't want him to hate me. "How about I take you home and I will see you tonight at work then we will set something up for Monday when we both don't have to work, maybe go on a real date get to know each other. How does that sound?"

Greyson shakes it off and smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes "Sure thats a good idea." He jumps down and rush's off to my bedroom when he comes back out he is fully dressed. "I'm ready." I go and change quickly into some jeans and black T-shirt and meet him by the door leading to the garage. I can't help myself as I lean down and Kiss him hard and fast he groans and I pull back before we get to deep into the kiss. We both silently get in my car and get on our way back into town.

I look over at Greyson while I drive. "Where do you live?" he gives me an address not to far away. We pull up about fifteen minutes later and I cut the engine and reach over to caress his face and he leans into the touch. Man I love how responsive Greyson is to something as simple as my touch. It's a heady feeling having someone want you so much. Greyson locks eyes with me. "Thank you for last night and this morning I really did have a good time with you Grey."

"Me too." He then tells me "See you tonight." Yeap tonight at work. I can see something is worrying him and I'm sure it has to do with the fact I'm his boss so I try to relieve the pressure. "Don't worry no matter what nothing changes at work Grey. You can always come to me don't feel like you can't I'm still your boss at work and if you need something tell me ok? This is separate." Greyson looks actually relieved and I feel like a dick that he was even worried about his job but I can understand. "Thanks Blaine " I watch with a slight smile as he jumps out of the car with a little wave and walks up to the door. Once he is inside I force myself to drive away. I really have some thinking to do over the next few days.


I walk into my mom's house it's small but it's decorated cute and I have a room far enough down the hall not to make it too weird when I do the walk of shame like right now. I have been staying here since my break up with Jeff over a year ago. I didn't plan to stay so long but I didn't want to live alone and my moms single so it works for both of us. I think it helps us both not be so lonely knowing we aren't coming home to an empty house.

It's already one in the afternoon and I have to be at work at four so I have a little time to call one of my friends Avery he can give some killer advice but I don't want him to tell me I'm stupid for sleeping with my boss which he will. I can't really call his brother my best friend Angel because he will never stop teasing me. There are four Flores brothers that I went to high school with including the youngest Avery and the oldest Alex, I'm close to Alex and Adrain the oldest and middle brothers but nothing like I am with Angel and Avery. We just click and I'm so lucky to have them as friends but I think I will keep last night to myself for now. I end up just laying down in bed and staring at my ceiling trying my best to wait until four so I can see Blaine again.

I'm deep in thought about what to do when I see Blaine tonight when I hear my mom knock on the door. She opens it and I look at her. "Whats up." My mom gives me a look only a mom can and I spill. "I got a new job at Privilege it's downtown in a good area and the boss is this really hot and a gay guy named Blaine so I don't have to worry about being harassed anymore isn't that great?"

Ok so I didn't spill everything there are some things moms just don't need to know. My mom looks really happy for me. "Thats great honey whats your new schedule?" She sets a hamper full of folded clothes down on my dresser.

"You didn't have to do that but thanks. And my schedule is Thursday through Sunday 4:00 to 2:30. I'm really excited I think this shift will work better for me." she gives me a pointed look. "That's not to bad sweetie but that doesn't explain where you were all night last night?" My mom smirks at me as I blush. She laughs and turns around and leaves and closes the door behind her without further comment.

My mom is great I came out to her at fifteen and she never doubted me or questioned me since. She just said thats the way some people are born. I have to agree with her I don't thinks it is because my dad skipped out on me or that I was raised by a woman only, that I'm gay. I like boys there doesn't have to be a reason as far as I'm concerned. My mom is in her late forties and I love her to death. She doesn't pry to much and I think thats why we get along living together so well. I look at the clock and its already time to go to work.

I put on my riding gear and jump on my motorcycle. It's nothing great just a cheap Harley Iron but I love it and it's mine. I don't have a car but I like to ride it relaxes me so it's no loss to me. It hardly rains here anyway so I get by with just my bike.

There isn't much traffic I would just go around them if there was anyways but I get to work quickly and park in the employee area and walk in the back. It's Friday so the bar is a lot more packed than last night and now there are four bartenders including me working tonight. Sandra introduces me to all them and they are nice and the bars so packed the rest of the night flys by fast.

I only see Blaine twice he smiles at me both times but doesn't say anything to me. I try not to be disappointed by it. I know my lifestyle is a lot to take for some people, I just hope Blaine will give it a try because I don't feel like trying a club again I didn't really care for it and the fees were ridiculous.

It's closing time before I know it and I tip out and clean up before getting on my bike and going home. The next two day's are pretty much the same I'm busy at work and there's not a lot of time to dwell on Blaine even though somehow I still find time to. Not to much though.

Finally it's Sunday night and I'm thanking God I have three days to recover. Four ten hour shifts are no joke I'm tired and nervous. Finally I tip out clean up and head for Blaine's office. I knock and go in and take a seat. He has a sweet smile on his face which reassures me in a small way. I look at him and I'm so attracted to him I can't wait to find out what we are going to do for our date tomorrow. I hope something fun or maybe romantic I'm so anxious I know I'm vibrating with energy. But I just wait for Blaine to say something the balls in his court.

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