CH 13 Home Sweet Home

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Blaine---Blaine's parents Home

Driving on the highway towards my childhood home my mind is a mess of thoughts. I know I want to see my parents in person and tell them what's going on in my life. But at the same time I don't know how well I will be received by my parents. Cody put a strain on our relationship and I don't know if I can repair it. Talking to Greyson I realized I do want to try and repair my relationship with them before its to late.

The drive is going by fast and I'm almost there and I still am not sure what to say or do when I get there but in no time I pull up to the gate. I stop and punch in the key code to the gate and I idly wonder if they changed after all these years but they didn't because the gates open. I pull up to the front door and turn off my car.

I sit there and gather my courage to knock on the door but before I can work up the nerve my mom opens the front door and runs down the steps. I slowly get out of the car and start walking towards my mother as she crashes into my arms and I hold her tight.

"Blaine what are you doing here? Did something happen is something wrong sweetie?" I look at my mom who I haven't seen in a good three years and probably haven't talked to in seven months. "No mom nothing's wrong I just came to see you and Dad, is he here too?"

"Oh honey he will be so excited to see you. He isn't here but he should be home soon. Come in lets have a late lunch while we wait for your father."

An hour later we are sitting at the kitchen table when my Father walks in. "Honey who's car is out front?" He asks right before walking in the room and stoping when he sees me. "Hello Blaine." He says stiffly but my mom tsks at him. "Don't be that way Henley." I am quick to defend my dad. "It's ok mom."

I stand up and walk towards my father who raises a brow at me."What do owe the pleasure of seeing our long lost son for this afternoon." I scoff a little. "Dad don't be that way. I'm here to catch up as I think you know me and Cody have been separated for a while now." My dad cuts me off. "A while Blaine I heard you separated over three years ago your a little late to tell us. Why are you really here I do not want you upsetting your mother."

I sigh and rub my temples. "Dad I am not here to upset anyone. I am here because we all know Cody was one of the main reasons are relationship deteriorated and I'm here to try and fix that. I love you guys and I'm sorry I let my love for Cody blind me. I want you and mom to be a part of my life now."

My mom is quietly crying at the table and it breaks my heart. My dad goes over to console her."Jennifer it will be ok." He kisses her cheek and I sit down as they both look over to me. "Blaine your our son and even if we don't like or understand your choices we will always be here for you. You are the one who cut us out of your life and we tried to stay in touch but you made it clear it would be better if we stayed away but nothing would make your mother or I more happy than if that changed."

I feel bad for being such a horrible son but all I can do now is try to rebuild what we once had. I end up staying the night at my parents and I text Greyson before I go to bed late that night.

Me- I'm staying the night at my parents I will be home tomorrow before you go to work I love you.

Greyson- Ok I will see you tomorrow you woke me up and now I don't know if I can go back to sleep all alone.

Me- I'm sorry my baby I just didn't want you to worry I will let you go. take a bath if you can't fall back asleep.

The next morning I have breakfast with my parents before I head home. The drive gives me time to think and reflect. I hope I am really able to start rebuilding a solid foundation with my parents before I introduce them to Greyson. I'm worried because Greyson is so young they will think he is a gold digger just like they thought Cody was and I really want them to like Greyson. I don't want the past to repeat itself so soon.

I pull up my drive and see a familiar motorcycle in the driveway. I walk in through the garage. "Greyson I'm home." I slightly shout but don't hear a reply I know he is home his motorcycle and my truck were in the garage. I look around for him but I don't find him. Lastly I look in the back yard and see him.

I take my shoes off and walk outside and see Greyson and Angel in the pool on floater lounges they both have beers in the cup holders and are laughing and talking. I walk to the edge and Greyson gives a small wave. " I was lonely so Angel came by to keep me company." Angel tips his head at me before he takes a sip of beer." Hey boss man."

I smile at them both. "Are you guys hungry I can grill us up something for lunch." They both answer yes so I go get some meat and veggies to grill up. When I go outside they are splashing each other and having a good time.

Once I close the cover on the grill I yell for Greyson to come over. He jumps out of the pool and comes and sits with me on the lounge. I pour sun screen all over his shoulders and back and make him do his legs so he doesn't burn."I missed you last night baby I'm sorry I didn't come home.

He kisses me. "It's ok Daddy I missed you too and I was kinda mad at you yesterday for leaving me out and not trusting me but I talked it out with Angel and he made me see your side so I forgive you." I kiss Greyson hard. "I'm so proud of my baby you really are being very mature about this whole situation I think you should get something special."

Greyson beams at me wit ha slight blush. "Thanks Daddy." He runs towards the pool and cannon balls in splashing Angel.

I look over at Angel. "Get over here your turn." He laughs but he gets out to and sits in front of me and I repeat the process. "Blaine I'm Mexican I'm not gunna burn." he wines at me.

I just shrug. "I don't care your skin is light enough you need sunscreen humor me. Plus I wanted to thank you for being such a good friend not only to Greyson but me too. I owe you a lot more than that bottle of tequila I gave you for introducing me to Greyson. He really has brought light back into my life and I just want you to know how much he means to me."

Angel smiles at me. " I am happy for the both of you. Greyson is a good kid we have been close since high school he was like another little brother to me you know I have two little brothers so Greyson just became a part of the family. I haven't seen him this happy in a long time I'm glad you can be a good Daddy for him too."

It's my turn to blush a little. I know Angel knows about Greyson's well now our kink but this is just the first time we have talked about it. "I am happy too Angel really happy to be Greyson's Daddy."

We both hear Greyson say "Hey are you guys done I want Angel to swim with me more." Angel gets up and jumps off the driving board and dives without making a splash but he comes up to Greyson on his floater and flips it over.

I laugh and get up to take the food out. as I prepare everything and put it on the outside table I hear Greyson and Angel laughing and splashing. It makes me so happy to see Greyson having a good time. This is the first time Greyson has invited anyone over and I wish I would have thought of it sooner. I love when Greyson is happy.

"Ok boys time for lunch." they both aww but jump out and come sit down at the table. We laugh and eat and have a really good afternoon. I was kind of worried Greyson would be upset with me but he seems to be fine and having a good time. I can't help but smile the rest of the afternoon.

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