Season 1 - Part 6

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Note: I DO NOT own The Owl House or DC Comics so don't report me, this is for entertainment purposes only. Also, this chapter is based off of season 1, episode 16. As for episode 13, Luz uses the wisdom of Solomon to come up with the plan she and the detention track students use in canon to beat the Greater Basilisk. The only difference being that Luz's transformed state literally punches the magic out of the Greater Basilisk. In episode 14, after Tibbles shrinks Luz, King, Willow & Gus. Luz transforms, beating up the tiny monsters in the tiny circus and beats up Tibbles earlier than in canon before returning to normal size. In episode 15, Luz's transformed state fights off the inner Willow before finding out that Amity's parents forced her to stop being friends with Willow. With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Luz has just walked into Hexside along with Willow and Gus to see the school having all sorts of decorations.

Luz: What's with the decorations?

Willow: Oh, right, this is your first year.

Gus: This is for the upcoming Grom.

Luz: Grom? Like a party?

Willow: Mhm.

Luz: Huh, you know, in the human realm we have something similar called Prom. I was kicked out of my last school dance for dressing like an otter. Maybe this year I can be your Grom Queen.

Gus: . . .

Willow: Um . . . that's not something people usually sign up for.

Suddenly, someone bumped into Luz as some items fell to the floor.

Amity: Watch it, nitwit! Oh. Hi, Luz and co. Sorry about that.

Luz: No problem. Let me help you. Here, your note.

Amity snatched it out of her hand.

Luz: Wow, you got some quick grabbers.

Amity: It's just . . . it's . . . private . . .

They then listen to the school speakers going off.

Principal Bump: Attention, Hexside Students, this is your principal speaking.

Gus: Oh man, this is it.

Willow: He's announcing who will be this year's Grom royalty.

They said as everyone was left in suspense.

Principal Bump: This year, I have the privilege to bestow our highest Grom honor to . . . Amity Blight.

Luz: Woooooo, yeah, Amity! High five!

Luz then realized no one was cheering and that Amity seemed upset. Amity then ran away as Luz looked on.

Luz: Don't leave me hanging!

Willow: We should give her space. Being Grom Queen is a tough job, even for Amity.

Some time later, Principal Bump had a bunch of students organizing the decorations for the gym.

Luz entered the gym in search of Amity, she saw her sitting on the bleachers.

Luz then approached Amity and sat right next to her.

Luz: You okay, Amity? What's got you down in the dumps?

Amity: I'm guessing you don't know much about Grom?

Luz: Isn't it just a school dance?

Amity: No, it's not just a dance party. Beneath the gym floors is a monster called Grom. Short for Grometheus, the Fear Bringer. Every year, it tries to break out of it's prison, and a student has to defeat it before it invades the town. Ever the optimist, Bump holds a party and calls it tradition. The worst thing is that Grom can read minds and shapeshift into your worst fears. And mine . . . is very embarrassing.

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