Part 2. A New Life.

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Three years later…

One morning, Laila lay in bed, drawing in her notebook, and thinking about a letter she had sent to Columbian University in New York, requesting an admission, though far from home, moving to NY would allow her to open her world much more. Having relatives there, hopefully would make things easier for her, however, she didn't plan to abuse that privilege. Her drifting thoughts were interrupted by her mother's voice, calling her from the living room.

—Laila, a letter came for you, honey.—Her mother screamed hers softly.

—A letter? —She frowned and then gasped would it be possible...?

As she went down to the living room in a rush, she looked at her confused mom, who didn't understanding her sudden enthusiasm, since she had barely noticed the white envelope that the postman had given her along with the rest of the mail.

—Oh, give it to me, give it! Give it! Give it!—Laila took the letter from her hands and jumped on a soft chair as she sat cross-legged, Ivory and Shadow followed her.

—What is it about? —Her mother looked at her carefully.

—Do you remember that trip to New York to visit Aunt Claire and her family? Well... I didn't go there to hang out with the twins.

—Laila… what did you do?— Mina asked cautiously.

—I'm planning my future—Laila answered firmly.

The address shown on the front of the envelope was the Admission's Department of Columbia's University, which Laila had heard about from her uncle and aunt, and though it was more than three hours of flight, plus two thousand kilometers distance, she hoped that both, Mina and Evan would allow her to experience this new challenge.

—"Dear Miss Daniels —she started reading—We’re pleased to inform you... that you’re now officially a student of Columbian University!" —she suddenly yelled, alarming both dogs, who jumped off the chair as she did— "We wish you the best for the year to come!" Oh my god! Mom! I got it! I'm in! —Laila hugged her, while her mother stood there, dumbfounded.

—What's all this fuss about?— Evan looked at them confused and moved closer.

—It seems your daughter is going to New York for college—Mina looked at her husband, still in shock.

—Laila, honey, is that true?— Evan looked at her, carefully.

—Yeah, I applied to Columbian University with Aunt Claire's help, that's not an issue, is it?

—It's not, but I think you should have consulted us first, you're still a kid after all.

—I'm eighteen now—Laila growled under her breath and lifted her chin.

—Yeah, but you still sleep with the teddy bear I gave you when you were six.— Evan smiled at his daughter's expression.—Baby, what's wrong with our local colleges?— I can see you're excited, but Columbian's tuition is quite expensive, even for us.

—I can work part time and help with the pay.

—You won't do that—Mina snapped—you will be a full time student, graduate and you be a woman of worth.

—You should give the little monster a break or it will explode, from how red her face is.— The three of them heard a familiar voice speak from the doorway.

—Dylan!—Mina rushed to hug her son—honey, we didn't know you were coming, we could have gone to pick you up.

—And ruin the surprise? I don't think so—he smiled and hugged her mother, then approached her father and Laila.

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