Part 3. The Star that Shone on Its Own in the Sky.

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Several years later...

Some time after Laila's kidnapping, she began to attend therapy due to the strong nightmares that caused her insomnia, and abruptly changed her life; she had constant, paralyzing panic attacks, and also became irascible, hypersensitive to the most common and situations. During this dark stage, Damian stood by her side, even in those days when she pushed him away, scared of any intimate contact, that. In the long run, this led them to a painful breakup that neither of them could easy overcome, especially when having to see each other every day at the college. They remained as good friends, though he wasn't that far off, whenever she needed someone to talk to. Another source of help for her PTSD was her psychiatrist, Dr. Marina Lennox, a short, thin woman, but she an inner strength, capable of getting Laila out of her darkest periods, where not even Damian could help.

In the years she'd seen the doctor, the two developed a close friendship, Dr. Lennox was a bit surprised to hear all the things Laila had gone through, being only twenty-three years old. For her, surviving so many years of bullying and the sexual harassment from her teacher, without taking extreme measures to deal with it was a great thing, though she never told her the part where she'd meet Luzen, during her teenage years, that was an aspect of her life that she wanted to keep completely private, and the therapist wasn't too pushy on that subject, as it could have a negative effect on her recovery.

That afternoon, Laila attended her appointment as usual. By that time, she was in her fourth year at the university, and the entire academic aspect, though it was difficult and challenging at times, it also had great moments of satisfaction.

—Hi Laila, you can go in now, the doctor is waiting for you.

—Okay, thank you—she smiled and walked down the hall to the office.

—Good morning, Laila, I'm glad to see you today... Although, you missed last month's appointment— The doctor greeted her, direct as always.

—Yeah well, I didn't get a chance to come, between the college and some other stuff that happened in my life...

—It's everything alright? —The doctor looked at her face, searching for doubts or agitation.

—I don't really know... Well, I guess I do—Laila sighed— it's just my anxiety speaking for me.

—How are things with Damian? Anything new?

—Everything is okay, we're still on the same point. I don't even know if we're together or in a "friendship with benefits" thing— Laila lowered her gaze.

—What do you want?—The doctor leaned forward.

—I want him, there is no doubt about that, but then, there is this other part of me that insists on pushing everyone away, and it is not because I don't love them, but because I feel that, if they get too close, they will get hurt on some way, and I don't want that, they don't deserve to suffer like this.

—And you do? —The woman's dark eyes, showed a challenging, curious light.

—I'd rather be me, to them—Laila whispered.

—You must break this self-destructive cycle in which you are living, Laila, what happened to you was not your fault.

—You know how I feel about that— Laila kept whispering, as she begun to raise the walls in her mind and soul.

—Do you know if Damian is dating someone?— The doctor asked, to change the subject.

—Not that I know of, but he could have anyone he wants, he is gorgeous, after all, and women always drool around him.

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