Video Two: Pro-Hero Kido

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The second video began.

Pro-hero: Kido
Endeavor Agency

"He-hey! Sir! Mister Kido--Pro-hero Kido...sir!"

"Yes? What do you want?" The hero asked, albeit with a snarky attitude.

Tsukauchi scoffed a little bit. Of course he was snarky. He's from Endeavor's agency afterall. Everyone from there has a stick lodged so far up their butt that it makes their positive personality traits decline.

Not to mention the head boss of said Agency was probably the stick mentioned.

"Do you think that a quirkless person could become a good hero?" The voice had a hopeful tone to it.

There was a short pause in the audio. Then deep breaths were heard, as well as some counting.

Was Kido really counting to ease his anger?  Or was he annoyed and trying not to smack the--

"Listen..." An elongated sigh was heard. The police officer could almost hear the hero rubbing his forehead in annoyance. "Someone like you should not be wasting my precious time on this stupid question."

That was kind of rude, Tsukauchi thought, with a scrunched up face. He looked like he just ate a lemon and found it quite sour.

Not far from the truth. Some of the words told to the owner of the voice were quite sour.

There was a thirty-eight second pause in the video.

" just to clear things up. You're saying quirkless people can be a hero?"

Tsukauchi almost wanted to laugh at the hope in this person's voice. He wanted to laugh because the voice was so persistant. And even though the hero was mildly annoyed, the voice had no sense of getting killed by a hero who went to Endeavor's agency and then someone blaming their poor death on collateral damage.

Believe him, people have done that.

Collateral Civillan deaths were commonly caused by the fire users agency.


Tsukauchi sighed, awaiting the annoyed heros response.

"I--what? No, Gosh no. That is--no one can be a hero except for those with powerful quirks. Quirkless people are not on that spectrum. Quirkless people are worse than trash. Being a hero means climbing the ranks and you can't climb them if you're freaking trash. You cannot be serious with these questions! They're stupid! Quirkless people are below dirt. Dirt people cannot be heros!"

Tsukauchi winced. That was painful to hear.

Suddenly a barely audible mutter could be heard from the video. Tsukauchi paused it and then put his volume up to seventy-six percent.

He listened closely to the audio, closing his eyes as he leaned into the speaker.

A soft voice could be heard saying, "Don't you think they've heard that enough?"

It was a sassy thing to say, sure. But the detective could hear the pain and sadness in that one sentence. He paused the video again before taking out his notebook.

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