#1 Hostage.

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Deimos POV:

There i was, Once again. Standing at a door, Guarding it as I do everyday.

Yep, I just stand here and wait until something happeneds. For hours, For days? I don't even know anymore, This shit is literally my only purpose to A.A.H.W and it pisses me off. I wish I had something cooler to do! Like keep watch on the building or hack into- well- whatever they want me to hack into. I just sit here everyday, Doing noting, Just me and my thoughts roaming throughout the room. I sigh and take a look at the clock that sits across the room, Squinting my eyes so I can see more clearly. Before I could tell the time a few agents burst into the other door from across the room, Firmly holding an unknown grunt while they curse and yell uncomfortably as they escorted them into another room as I heard their cursing and yells become more distant, I tried to take a peek in before the door automatically closes, But only to be tapped onto the shoulder by another agent. "Agent 457, Come." I was nervous but I nodded and followed from behind them.

They started to speak, "We are running low on agents, That stupid hank fuck thinks he can just go and kill whoever the fuck he wants." I spoke, Confused. "So? The fuck does this have to do with me?" They grabbed onto my shoulder softly explaining the situation. "We need you to keep an eye on our new hostage, Apparently he knows info about hank but won't tell us. It's your duty to keep an eye on him at all cost, He does not receive food or water until he shares at least a small amount of information. If he refuses to tell us any information at all, He will be killed, Understand?" I nodded and they brought me to a door I've never seen before, It looked heavy but rusty, As if the room inside was gonna be a dusty mess. "Get to duty." They spoke pushing me in the room and closing the door behind me, I attempted to look around with a pissed look but before I could they already shut the door. I heard shifting and small noises from behind me.

I turned around to see the grunt i saw before, Chained up to a old rusty pipe by their foot. The room they were in smelt like complete dust and mold, The walls were rusting and the floors were extremely dirty, Has anyone ever used this room before? The grunt kept making grumbling noises, As if they were talking to themselves, Planning something in their head. The room was huge, Was to big for just one small grunt. I feel like I could go insane just by being in here, I started to make my way forward to the grunt to stand a little closer to them, But not to close so they don't try anything.

"Fucking assholes.. Stupid fucking cock suckers." I heard them speak, I was nervous and I didn't know what to say so I just kinda stood there. They're mumbling started roaming throughout the room and I could feel them getting more angry by the moment. "And I- FUCK SAKE!!" They yelled, Filled with frustration and rage. I wanted to speak, I really did, But I wasn't sure what to say. I haven't seen a normal grunt in years, I've just been surrounded by agents all my life that at this point I completely forgot that they existed. I let out a sigh, I should say something. "Y'know.." They looked at me with a glare that scared me somehow. "Uh-" Fuck, I began to be at lost with my words. "I-" "Don't even try to talk to me." They spoke, Intruding my studdered works.

"Geez, Fine. I was just gonna know you a bit more." I looked away from them focusing to be back on my duty, But I could feel their cold stare on my body. Judging my every move, Just standing made me feel uncomfortable. After about an hour, I noticed that they were more quiet. I haven't looked back at them since they spoke to me, But I for sure could tell that they were calmer now. I turn my head slightly to get a look at them, Hoping for them not to notice. They were looking across room while playing with a small leaf on the ground, Flicking it and sighing. They soon laid back and took a deep sigh and looked at the ceiling. I took this as an opportunity to sit down since my legs were basically numb by standing for so long.

I took off my dumb glasses they forced me to wear, And rubbed them slightly, Trying to get a small smudge off them then rubbing my eyes because of how tired I was. I was sitting crisscross with my hand on my cheek keeping my head up, Basically being used as a stand. I sighed and looked at the ground. "You really live like this, Huh." They spoke from behind me. I didn't look at them but just let out a small mumble and nod in response. "Hm." I wanted to speak, I haven't talked about my hate towards A.A.H.W for years, Was i the only agent that hated it that much? Just give it a shot deimos. "You know.. I'm not happy here." They looked at me, I could see them sitting up in the corner of my eye looking at me with their hands in their lap slightly. "When.. Why are you here?" I looked down. "I-" The door swung open, "Agent 457, Your duty is over. You will come back in the morning." I looked at them and got up, Making my way out but looking behind me to get a small glimpse of the unknown grunt staring at me with their head tilted slightly. They agent shut the door behind me and I was escorted to my bunker with a bunch of other agents to sleep, What was the point? I never got much sleep anyway, 2 or 4 hours were my limit. I can never sleep properly anymore, But other than that.

I wonder what will happen when I wake up.

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