#4 Worry.

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I woke up surprisingly early, I got up and put my hand on my head, As I didn't have a very good sleep. Like, At all. My mind was too full at the point where I hardly slept, I began to look around to see all the other agents were sleeping. I looked at the clock that hovered the huge room, To read the time as 7:56. They should all be up in an hour, I began to put on my outfit that I desperately hated and made my way out of the room. I wondered if I should head downstairs, Even if it wasn't time to work. I was worried about Sanford, And what those agents said, or did to him. Fuck it, I was going down. My thoughts couldn't stop until I knew what was happening.

I made my way downstairs, I didn't expect anyone else to be down there, But I encountered a few other agents, Standing in from of the door. "Ah, Agent 457. What are you doing here? It's only 8, Your duty starts at 9." I was hella nervous, But I just tried to make up an excuse. "W-Well, I just figured that you guys could need some help! Take a rest, I know you've probably been dealing with that asshole all night, Just thought that maybe I could be one to help." They all looked at eachother, Back and fourth. And then nodded, "Alright agent 457, Keep an eye on them." I nodded and they started to make their way upstairs, I let out a deep loud sigh that I was holding in and began to open the door.

I closed the door behind me, "HAH! Dude, you have no idea how stressful it was just to get in here! Those idiots were fuckin-" I turned around. "..Sanford?"

San was bleeding, Blood flowing down his head and down his nose. His breathing was heavy and I could tell he was weak, He shook slightly and had his hands around his body, Trying to gain body warmth. "Hey, deimos.." "H-Holy shit-" I ran to Sanford, And slid on my knees just to take a good look at him. "No no no.." "Deimos I'm fine." He looked away trying to avoid eye contact As if he was embarrassed to be seen this way. "No you're not dude!" I began to take off my jacket and use it to wipe away some of his blood, He was clearly uncomfortable cause of the way he was reacting to it, Squirming around like a little kid. "Stay still.." "Mmmnn.." Shit, this isn't working, His wound was still flowing blood, Slowing making its way down to the floor. I don't know what to do, What the fuck do I do?!

I started to rip the sleeves of my t-shirt since my stupid leather coat wasn't helping, He looked surprised that I was actually helping him in this scenario. I started to use it as a bandage, wrapping it tightly around his head for the bleeding to stop, But not enough for it to hurt. I pulled away to look at his damaged body, And put my coat on top of him to try and make him warm. His head was leaned against the wall and he sat with him arms wrapped around his legs, Avoiding eye contact. "San.." "..." "Sanford.." "..." I tried to look at him, But his mind was just fuzzy, I could tell by his blank stare. I sat beside him, Putting my hand on his shoulder, But still allowing him space. I looked up at the ceiling, My mind running around the room, What could have happened? What the hell did they do? How could they-

"Why are you helping me.." My mind snapped back into place, And I looked at him, Despite him looking in the other direction. "What?" His head turned towards me violently, "Why are you helping me?!" I began to be lost at words, Why was I helping him? I don't really have a reason. "I-.. I don't....Know." He looked into my eyes and then back away into the direction he was looking before, Clearly frustrated. Shit, What was I gonna say? I really don't have a reason, I just.. I- "They said that they are gonna kill me in a few days." I looked at him, "What?" He let out a sigh And looked towards me, But still avoiding eye contact. "When you leave, They ask me questions at night. About, Hank. And I'm not giving those assholes any information I know, And because I wasn't speaking and being an attitude piece. They.. I dunno, Hurt me."

"So.. They're.. Gonna kill you?" I asked as he leaned his head on the wall, "That's what they said." I got up and looked at him, "No." He looked at me back, "Hm?" "No, They're not." He sat normally while still maintaining eye contact, "What do you mean?" I looked around in frustration, I look at my hands. "They.. They hurt me, Took me away from the people I loved to go against someone I hardly know! My life is sad, I wanna be free! See more of Nevada!! But, I wanna see it with you, Sanford." He sat up, Having his full attention to me. "And how exactly are we gonna do that?" I looked around "I don't.. I don't know." He let out a sigh but looked back up at me. "Y'know, I was just gonna let myself be dead meat. But I like you, So I guess we'll give it a try." My face bit up, Showing my sharp teeth and fangs that were fully exposed. "FUCK YES!! Let's go ford! Let's fuckin' run away together and live the life we want!! Do what we wanna do and no one can tell us otherwise!" He looked up and down at me, And instead, regret hit my stomach. "Yeah.. Let's do it Deimos." I couldn't help myself, I jumped up in the air waving my arms around and about, Making noises and acting like a child.

I sat down almost immediately looking Sanford right in the eyes, "Okay, We have to think." Sanford laid back a bit, "You're the mastermind." I cupped my chin, Thinking about this situation. "Okay- Okay! I will distract the agents and see if they left their keys for your leg lock thingy on the key hanger in the main room where they normally put shit, once they leave I'll get a hold of it, come back with the keys and an outfit if I can find one cause they normally have them there and then KICK THEIR ASS!" Sanford chuckled, "Or maybe we could just escape out?" "Oh, Yeah! That too!" 

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