Chapter V

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Kurapika, Gon, and Killua wait for their dinner to arrive. Leorio and Mirai come out of the room to join them.

"Good evening, everyone! What do you all have planned?" asks Leorio.
"Nothing, it's pouring out. We wanted to go night surfing." says Killua, disappointed.
"I'm sure we can find something to do here." says Leorio.
"The fights are on!" exclaims Gon.
"Yeah, that's boring. Those fighters are non-nen-users." replies Killua.

Their food arrives and they set up to eat on the living room floor.

"They forgot my grape soda!" exclaims Killua.
"No, prob. I'll just get you one from the vending machine downstairs. Anyone else need anything?" offers Leorio while he stands up to leave.
"No, thank you." answers Kurapika.

When Leorio leaves, Mirai sits closer to Kurapika. She reaches over him for the bottle of soy sauce and accidentally spills it on Kurapika. Kurapika angrily stands up to go to his room to change. Mirai walks into his room while he is pulling off his shirt. He turns around and notices her.

"Do you need something?" Kurapika asks, angrily.
"I just want to apologize for ruining your shirt." Mirai answers while placing her hands on Kurapika's bare chest.
"No apology necessary. You can leave now." says Kurapika.

Mirai ignores him and sits on his bed.

"Teach me nen." says Mirai.
"What? I wouldn't teach you nen if my life depended on it!" responds Kurapika.
"Aww, Leorio won't teach me." says Mirai, disappointed.

Kurapika stands in front of Mirai and attempts to pick her up off of his bed. She reaches up and grabs him before he has the chance to pick her up. Kurapika is now on top of Mirai. She wraps her legs around him, making it harder for him to get up. At that moment, Leorio comes back with Killua's soda.

"Get off of me!" Mirai screams when she notices Leorio is back.

Leorio throws the can of soda to Killua and runs to Kurapika's room. He notices Kurapika on top of Mirai.

"Kurapika! What the hell is going on here?" asks Leorio, shocked.

Kurapika quickly turns around and notices his friend standing at the door.

"Leorio, thank goodness! I tried to tell him I wasn't interested, but he insisted." explains Mirai while running to Leorio.

"This crazy bitch." Kurapika says to himself.

Leorio is enraged.

"Kurapika, outside." Leorio demands while walking out of the room with Mirai.

Kurapika follows Leorio and stops in the living room.

"Leorio! Listen to me! This girl is out of her mind. I would never do that to you."

"Oh, yeah? Then why was your shirt off?" asks Leorio.

Gon and Killua stop eating to see what Leorio and Kurapika were arguing about.

"What is going on?" Gon asks Killua.
"I don't know, but this will probably be our entertainment for the evening." answers Killua, stretching his arms behind his head.

"She spilled soy sauce all over me!" Kurapika answers Leorio.
"How convenient." says Leorio.
"But she did. We saw it happen." says Gon, still not understanding what is going on.
"Oh, you are on his side too?" Leorio asks Gon.
"What the hell is going on?" asks Killua.
"This bastard was trying to get Mirai to sleep with him!" exclaims Leorio, pointing at Kurapika.
"Huh?" asks Gon.

"Meet me on the balcony." demands Leorio while walking outside.
"Fine." replies Kurapika, following Leorio.
The storm has worsened. Leorio and Kurapika didn't care. They were both too angry to notice. Gon, Killua, and Mirai walk over to get a better view.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Kurapika?" asks Leorio, reaching for his knife.
"How can you believe her over me? You have known me longer. I am not capable of such actions." yells Kurapika, eyes flashing scarlet.
"Oh, shut off your damn scarlet eyes!" yells Leorio while charging towards Kurapika.

Kurapika reaches for his bokken.

"If you insist," says Kurapika, blocking Leorio's attack.

Leorio and Kurapika continue to fight while the others watch. Kurapika ends up on top of Leorio, his bokken at Leorio's throat.

"It's not worth it." says Kurapika while getting up, ending the fight.

"Hey, get back here!" yells Leorio.
"I'm checking into a different room." says Kurapika while walking to his room to pack.

Kurapika leaves the suite. The rest of them stand in the living room in silence.

"I want to go home." says Mirai, crying.
"Fine, let's go." says Leorio, still angry.
"Hold up. You are in no shape to drive. Gon and I can take her home. I've been wanting to take that car of yours for a spin anyway." explains Killua.
"Sure." says Leorio, handing Killua the keys.
"But we want an explanation when we get back." demands Killua.

Killua, Gon, and Mirai leave the suite. They see Kurapika at the front desk.

"Hi, Kurapika! Are you really getting another room?" asks Gon while he walks toward Kurapika.
"Yes, Gon. I'm sorry, but I can not be around Leorio at the moment." explains Kurapika.
"Gosh, I really wish we knew what was going on." says Gon.
"C'mon, Gon! We'll find out when we get back!" says Killua, rushing Gon.

Killua, Gon, and Mirai leave the lobby. Kurapika retrieves the key to his new room.

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