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I thought I'd write a little something on my iPhone. I really don't want to talk about it but I think it'll be better to write it down. My best friend told me that it's better to express my feelings on paper, it'll suck all the tears that you have inside into the paper, then it'll break up into pieces.
That kind of expresses myself. I'm a strong piece of paper but the sadness will tear me with pain.

It hurts.

"Uuh... Um... Morono sempai......"

I will never hear his voice again.


It all started on that hot summer day.
Sometimes I wish that I wasn't playing on that soccer field that day, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten myself into this mess. But at the same time I was glad that I was on it, because if I didn't.... I wouldn't have met Zuro Kiriyuu.
I was a hard working student in sports, my passion was all about soccer. I'd play on the field everyday aiming for the good future. I would get into a popular soccer team, win a lot of games and live the life I always wanted to. But I struggled when I was in love, it was a major weakness for me. And the doctor told me that there were signs of heart failure because my mental health was dangerously low. One day I got dumped, I could have died but....

"Please don't die sempai.......I'll be here to support you......"

That boy I bumped into saved me. He loved me. I thought that his presence was what I needed to keep me balanced. But he needed me more than I imagined.


"Achooo!" He sneezed. "That was loud, are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah" he nodded, "I think I'm coming up with a cold...." He rubbed his nose, "Or maybe it's just hay fever"
"Do you want to get a drink?" I asked and he lowered his chin, frowning, "I can't"
"Huh? What do you mean you can't?" I asked him in confusion.
"I have to get clean water from the hospital"

After that I realized that he was allergic to dairy, wheat and meat.... He gets sick easily, he receives food and water through tubes, he's sensitive to bacteria and his body is weak.... When he runs, he gets puffed out easily so he walks slowly. He has a weak bladder and takes medication everyday.
And to top it off.... He's an orphan. He has been living in a hospital all his life.
Because he was an unsuccessful child, he was abandoned in his crib until a senior nurse found him and raised him in the hospital. The nurses, staff and patients were the only people we knew. They say that his body was born like this, weak and frail but his soul was strong they said. He has low physical health but he brings up a smile. His mental or social health wasn't affected at all.
I don't talk to people and I'm always being hurt by emotions and words, my physical health is the strongest.
I wanted to be his support.

"Maid!" I called out when I stepped into my house, and she immediately came to my service. "Yes sir?" She said. "Get the adoption papers. I want my room cleaned out, all of my stuff except the furniture moved out into another room. I want the whole place spic and span!"


My parents are filthy rich and they're never home, so I'm always the master of the house. The rich wouldn't do something so much for a weak individual, but I didn't care a thing about what others think. I went to the hospital and adopted him into the family.

"Huh? Morono what are you doing here.....?" He asked me with a surprised face as I came to his hospital bed.
"......." I was silent for a bit as I looked at him. "You're coming home..... Zuro"

I turned my own room into a hospital room for Zuro, it became his first own room. He was hospitalized there with a few new nurses for him. He was a bit speechless about moving in but he was really overjoyed, so much that he could collapse. His spirit was too big for his body.
In an instant I didn't realize how much I loved him he more I did for him. I vowed to myself that I'd study from then on to get a job so I can look after Zuro.
I dropped my sport dreams for him.

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