
517 29 69


[y/n] - your name

[l/n] - your last name

[f/s] - favorite snack


WALKING TO SCHOOL FELT LIKE THE SAME OLD ROUTINE. Freeze from the cold, get something warm from the corner store, and groan at all the same advertisements for all the same things. The most annoying one being the Agreste ads. They featured the same boy—who just happened to be the lead designers son—and they all had the same air of posh surrounding it. You had a hatred for other ads (you hadn't even mentioned the Deneuve ones) but the most prominent one was this one. 

By the time you made it to class, your feet had started to ache. You pulled out your phone and made a note to get new shoes later; your current ones had been worn out. 

As always, the room was loud with talking and the morning light was seeping through the windows. The drink in your hands was warming your fingertips and you had hope that today would be a good day. You waved hi to your classmates as you walked to your seat. It was next to Ivan, a sweet-hearted kid with a penchant for screamo. 

Placing the cup on the table, you looked over at him. "How's it shakin' bacon?" you smiled loudly and folded your arms on the table.

"It's alright," he shrugged, looking down at the desk. "You?"

"I feel like I'm ready to watch the world burn." You let your head fall on your arms, closing your eyes immediately after. You hoped that you would be able to catch a few winks before class started, and with that hope in your mind, you had started to nod off.

Your dream was short and you couldn't remember much of it, but you definitely remembered talking to a dragon. When you were woken up, you wished you could go back to it. 

Ivan was softly shaking your shoulders and saying something about a new kid introducing themself. "You don't want to miss it, it'd be embarrassing," that got you to sit up. 

Pretending to stretch, you looked up from your desk to see who was talking. Their voice was nice and comforting; it was the type of voice that you'd imagine would go with a prince charming. They looked pretty nice too. Their blond hair that was a mess on their head and eyes that were darting every which way, along with their forearm crutch that was wrapped around their right arm.

The more you looked, the more they looked familiar. It wasn't until they said their name that it hit you. 

"So, um, I'm Adrien Agreste, he/him, and I look forward to getting to know all of you," Adrien gave a charming smile, the same one that was on his face during infomercials or when they released a new line of necklaces. 

Miss Bustier had everyone him sit next to Nino, two seats in front of you. You watched as he engaged in conversation with him, before Miss Bustier told them to quiet down. At that, he awkwardly laughed and said sorry.

You pulled out your worn notebook, getting everything ready for the lesson. You took your notes and doodled in the margins, focusing on everything she was teaching you. Classes changed and you switched notebooks. Eventually the bell rang and everyone began packing up. 

It was lunchtime now and everyone would be going out to the courtyard. You walked with Juleka and Rose, both were going over to the art classroom. You felt like a third wheel hanging out with the two of them—sometimes they forgot that you were there with them. You didn't really mind, instead taking the time to work on your projects. 

You grabbed out some sheet music and placed it on a stand. Opening up your case on the floor, you took out your shoulder rest and attached it to your violin. Grabbing your rosin block out, you brought it up and down your bow, making sure to do it several times. Tightening the bow itself, you placed it down and turned to your instrument. 

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