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give some claps to Dragonsky101 for beta reading this chapter for me!


YOU STARED AT THE BACK OF ADRIEN'S HEAD, WONDERING WHAT WAS RUNNING THROUGH IT. Why was he trying to make friends with you? You didn't think you gave off the friendly vibe to him, you thought that you were pretty neutral in all your encounters. Maybe he just wanted to get closer to you so that he could feel satisfied that he made friends with everyone in class; thinking that helped quell any lingering questions you had.

"What does his drawing pad look like?" Adrien opened up the classroom door for you, holding it open with his left foot and gesturing for you to go in. You followed him and almost groaned when you saw people in the classroom. You were hoping that there wasn't anyone, as you didn't want to look like a fool.

You made a size guess with you hands, "About this big and it's red with, kinda painted, black lettering. There should be a sticker on it that says 'Nathaniel' so it shouldn't be too hard to find," you walked to the back of the classroom. Looking around where Nathaniel sat, you hoped it would've been somewhere there. 

It wasn't. 

That's when you heard some obnoxious laughing coming from the front of the room. You knew who that laugh belonged to, the amount of times you had to hear it over the years was enough to forever imprint it in your mind. You looked over and saw that Adrien was already walking over to her, maybe you could count on him to solve it.

"Hey, Chloé, could you give me that notebook? It's Nathaniels and I really need to give it back to him," he said, holding out his hand. You weren't sure what the relationship between him and Chloé was, but it must've been good as she just handed it back to him without her normal griping.

"Of course Adrikins! There's nothing but chicken scratch in that anyway," her and Sabrina began laughing again, which prompted you to walk up to her.

"It's not nice to call people's art 'chicken scratch,' unless you can do better?" you tilted your head and placed one hand on your waist. Letting out a sigh, you motioned for Adrien, "Here, I can give it back to him and you can stay here and chill with Bourgeois."

"Yes! Sit here—scoot over Sabrina—right next to me!"

"Oh, um, I think I'll go with [y/n]," Adrien nervously laughed, placing a hand on his neck. 

"You really don't have to, unless there's something that you need to tell Nathaniel?" you still had your hand out for the book, but Adrien just turned to you and started walking outside the door.

"Not really, but I'd like to keep talking to you, if that's okay?" he was standing inside of the doorway, waiting for you to make your choice. You debated it over in your head and decided that it wasn't the worst thing to keep talking to him.

Internally groaning, you nodded your head, "Sure, that's fine." You walked past him, making a beeline to the art room. The thought 'why' kept running through your head. There were tons of other people he could bother, why did he choose you? Did he hate you or something?

"So, you play the violin?" Adrien attempted to make conversation with you, but you were still questioning everything in your mind.

"Yes," you stuck to a one word answer, not wanting to drag out any talking. His voice was too nice, you didn't want to be sucked in by it. 

Adrien seemed to sense your annoyance and promptly decided to ignore it, "How long have you been playing?"

"Since I was a kid." You were hoping that he would stop talking soon, everything about him was starting to irritate you—though you weren't sure why. You hoped that he wouldn't ask you anymore questions.

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