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um, so, w*ttpad is stupid when i publish my chapters and turns all of my em dashes into normal dashes (which is very annoying). to combat this, i decided to try out double dashes ( -- ). if they annoy you or anything, please tell me!


[m/o/c] - medication of choice (or, if you can't take medication, just omit that part)



"Could I go with them Ms. Mendeleiev?" Lila shifted in her seat, showing everyone her ankle. "I hurt my ankle during lunch today and it really, really hurts," she squeezed her palms together to put emphasis on her pain. 

"Of course, but hurry on back," she waved Lila off, appearing to be more than annoyed at the situation. You couldn't blame her. Ms. Mendeleiev was a no-nonsense teacher who was mean to everyone, which was why you ended up skipping her class more than once.

Lila looked over at Adrien, before letting out an small cry. "It hurts so much," she yelled as she stood up and, in a bad take, limped over to where you guys were waiting.

You held the door open for them, closing it behind you when all three of you were past it. 

It was awkward, almost too awkward. 

Lila was talking your ear off, while Adrien was occasionally chiming in, and you were staring straight ahead, waiting for everything to be over. The pain that was residing in your head didn't make it easier.

When you got the the stairs, Lila complained that she wouldn't be able to go down them with her hurt foot. In a moment of desperation, you offered to carry her down. This was obviously received with a look of disgust, before being replaced with a smile and a nod. 

You crouched down and she hopped on your back. You slid your hands underneath her thighs, supporting her as she wrapped her arms around your neck. You gained your balance before walking down the stairs, Adrien was in front of in case "something was on the stairs that you could trip on," as he put it.

You ended up carrying Lila all the way to the nurses office. You always liked the nurses office; everything in it was clean, white, and quiet. Just what you needed.

"Well, we're here, so I'll dump Lila on the bed, I can grab something for my brain, and you can go ahead and be back to class," you told Adrien, a cheeky smile on your face. You carefully let Lila off on the bed, making sure she was okay before walking away. You started going through the cabinets for some sort of reliever. 

"Where is the nurse -- and should you be going looking through those?" he asked, looking over at you. His eyebrows were knitted together in confusion and a small frown took its place on his head, you couldn't believe that you had gotten him to frown. Adrien sat down on the bed next to Lila, his crutch hanging off as he didn't bother to take it off.

You rolled your eyes and grabbed a bottle, reading the label before placing it back. "My friend works here, I'll be fine," you waved him off, moving some of the off-the-counter medications so that you could see the back. "He should be back any second."

"Do you know what he'd be doing?"

"Honestly? Either grabbing some energy drinks or flirting with his, supposed, datemate," you looked back at Adrien, showing that you were serious. Did you believe that your friend was dating someone? No. Were you going to tell him that? No.

Adrien nodded his head, still looking very confused on what was happening. A few minutes went by in even more silence and even that was ruined by someone coming through the door. 

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