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Yusuf's eyes was on his sleeping wife, whose swollen face did nothing to stop him from seeing her beauty, she was beautiful both inside and outside,

He chuckled at the thought of pulling her swollen nose and that woke her up, "hey baby" he cooed placing his palm on her cheek, she has being asleep for two hours now, she fell asleep the moment she brought forth to the world a bouncing baby girl,

Yes Mahnoor got pregnant and gave birth to a girl after two days of gruesome labor, thus the swollen face due to the pushing excersies she underwent,

The time they found out their were pregnant, the baby was already 7 months old and Noori's stomach was huge, at first she ignored the bloating problem she longed noticed, they both decided there is problem when she was feeling movement and Yusuf was seeing the movement, and not to talk of the stomach was hard, and the bloating ever visible

So the naive couple went to the doctor who immediately confirmed she is 7 months pregnant, everyone thought it was a foul play but they got their prove during the scan.

Yusuf could remember how he kept asking the doctor not to stop scanning because he wasn't only shocked but he was already in love with whatever was in his wives stomach, at point the doctor had to explain it was risky to expose the baby to to much ultrasound sound light,

Noori was quite all those while, so Yusuf had to be the one to record the dos and dont of pregnancy even thou it was quite late, the baby was fully grown, even when they went back home, she couldn't speak, she was shocked and quite, not only her even back at home, when Yusuf called to tell them, they all flew to abuja to see for themselves and Umma confirmed yes she was pregnant.

"Why didn't i have morning sickness, no fever, no carvings, no mood swings, no nesting, hell i walk straight, no fatigue, nothing nothing" she asked Umma in the presence of Umma and co

"You are lucky, you might not be that lucky the second time" Ameerah said

"Or third" Ummi said,

"Am sacred" she said as she bursts into tears,

"Yusuf take her in will you" Umma said, he nodded carried her in.

As the frenzy of pregnant hit everyone she was still in denial, she simply said it will be a loud gas escape when the so called time for her to give birth arrives, and when she finally went in to labor she knew it was the real shit.

"How do you feel" he asked

"It wasn't a loud huge gas escape" she quietly said and the two laughed out loud,

"No, it wasn't"he said and nuzzled her nose "you did well, very well" he added and to her shock tears welled up in his eyes "i was so sacred to see you in pains, i was sacred"

"Oh baby, it's all over now" she said pulling him to lie down by her side,

"It was scary" he cried burying his face on her chest as he holds her tight,

They were in that position for almost five minutes when the nurse came in with their bundle of unexpected joy, "your baby girl Mr and Mrs Anderson" she said and Yusuf came up to collect the beautiful baby girl, and move them closer to his wife,

From the glass outside, one could see Yusuf Anderson hugging the most important girls in his life, everyone now and then he plants a kiss on wife's forehead and his daughter's forehead.



Noori drove into their mansion in the evening after a hectic day in the office she visits, for almost a month now she goes out every day, the elections are coming and everything was being hectic,

She stepped in asking her chief maid where her husband and Amna (Sadiya) were, "up"

She headed straight to Amna's room where she found her loving husband laid in the giant crib and on his body was their daughter,

She chuckled at the view she never gets tired of, ever since she had the baby, she could count the number of times, she has fed, changed diapers and the rest, it was always Yusuf, he was always forcing her to go rest or have fun and let him do the work, he took a long leave from running his company to focus on his daughter, the two were inseparable, if there was a way to make him able to breastfeed the baby from his nipples, he will love it, and when Noori is doing it, he will be so close by watching and waiting and even correcting her to do this and that.

After a year, even when he resumed work, he was always home early, or taking some days off to stay with his two girls, whom he will move the world for.

"Honey" she quietly called so as not wake Amna because waking her up will mean games and walking around till mayb 3 in the morning, he lazily opened his eyes to see the grinning face of his ever sexy wife,

He smiled and carefully left the crib, the two tiptoed out of the room and down to the kitchen, where she poured her self some juice

"How was work" he asked as he came around to stand behind her, placing his chin on her shoulder and his hands round her

"Hectic" she replied as she melts into him,

"You need a massage, i massage good", she chuckled and said "i am a living testimony".

Some minutes later, they decided to watch some movie before calling it a night and as they were prepared to go to bed, he pulled her to lay on his chest,

"You know what my highlight of the day is always" he suddenly asked

"Sleeping in your daughter's crib" she asked "you gonna break that crib one day" she added and the two laughed

"And it's gonna be hard for her to bring home a guy for us to meet, geez i pity that guy already cause he won't like you"

"He has to be perfect" he said

"Goodluck" she said

"And My highlight is seeing my two girls hail and hearty and my topmost highlight is always when i see you smile" he said, she smiled and pecked him on the cheek

"You are the reason i smile Yusuf" she said making him smile.
"What's always your highlight of the day" she asked

"Waking up to see my two forever in Jannah, you and Amna"

"Forever in Jannah" he sighed,

"Yes forever in Jannah" she said bringing her face closer to him "i love you so much" she whispered

"I love you much more" he whispered back and sealed it with a kiss "just you MAHNOOR TIJO".


My heart healer (Mahnoor's story) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now