The Countdown Begins

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Hello my dear readers. Hope you all are doing good. I am back with the next chapter. Thank you so much for all the support I have been receiving from your side. Please do continue to support me. Hope you will like this chapter. And I am very happy to have got about more than 3K readers. Thank you for joining me in this journey. Dedicating this chapter to all my dear friends who are supporting me in this journey...


Riya's POV:
I got ready fast as from today we are starting our mission. I want to finish this mission as soon as possible and figure out my life... Yes... The life I wish to live. It's been just a couple of days since I came back. But these people have changed me so quickly. And Arjun... From today Arjun Sir.... Even after three years he managed to weaken me, bring out my feelings for him, bring out my other hidden emotions... Strange but True. What can I expect from the great Arjun Rawte?! One thing I realised is that he has made me fall for him all over again. Three years back it was easy for me to control the feelings for him as he avoided me, shouted at me, was rude to me! But now he is sweet to me, spends time with me, understands me, is there for me any time I need him! How do I keep my feelings in control if he is so good? In all these thoughts Sheena and me got ready in our formals and came out to find almost everyone ready for office.

"Good Morning Everyone! "

I chirped in and in turn got back many 'Morning'... I looked at Arjun who was coming towards us.

"Riya give me your phone"

He asked me out of the blue and I gave him. He did something in it and returned it to me.

"Now take all your medicines with you. We will leave in five minutes. "

I nodded at him and packed my medicines with me. Just then I heard Arjun's voice again.

"Everyone take an extra set of clothes with you'll. After practice we can change. "

I had already packed for Sheena and me. So I just nodded. I guess everyone had already done it. So we all decided to leave. So Sheena, Siddharth Bhai, Shree, Chotu and Sam Bhai went in an SUV. Whereas Simmy, Karan, Arjun and Me went in Karan's car. Soon we reached the ETF office. I am coming here after three years. This is the new office but still ETF office is a place where my heart lies. I step into the office with the same determination as before. We go on to practice vigorously for nearly two hours. Then by 8:30 am we wind up. From today the office hours are 9:00 to 7:00. So we went to freshen up and came back by 8:45 am. Karan and Simran bid heir byes and left. Means we have only 15 minutes for breakfast. We rushed to the canteen and had our breakfast fast.

Sameer's POV:
Today I saw so much of anger in Arjun and Riya's eyes while practice. It was as if  they were murdering Sikandar tomorrow itself. I haven't seen them like this ever. So much of anger, hatred.. I was actually scared looking a them lke this. I never thought Riya will undergo so much of pain. Even my Jun... Sighing we completed the breakfast and headed to our office. Now I had to make introductions too... We entered into the conference room and I could see surprised faces of my teammates.

"So team we have some new officers joining us from today.

This is Ms. Sheena Raghu Varma. ETF's Doctor and Drug Specialist. Trained well in field and martial arts. Bold and Daring as well. Raghu Sir's daughter. She will be working with Liza and Us.

This is Mr. Siddharth Raghu Varma. ETF's Resource Expert and Ammunition Specialist. Also very well trained for field job and an Encounter Specialist as well. Raghu Sir's son.

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