New Day New Hopes

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Hello my dear readers. Hope you all are doing good. I am back with the next chapter. Thank you so much for all the support I have been receiving from your side. Please do continue to support me. Hope you will like this chapter. Dedicating this chapter to all my dear friends who are supporting me in this journey...


Sameer's POV:
I entered the office and went straight to the conference room as I know everyone will be there drinking their coffee. On my way I noticed that Rawte's cabin is still locked. May be he directly went to the conference room. With these thoughts in my mind I reached the conference room. I didn't find Rawte there. Strange! He will always be here before I reach. It is already 8:30 am. Usually he would be here by 7:30 am itself. But today he isn't here. Maybe he will come late. I greeted everyone and Ayesha handed me a cup of coffee. I accepted it with a smile. Suddenly I heard Sakshi's voice and I looked at her to know what she wants to tell.

"Sameer Arjun has not come yet. Where is he? "

She is another person who wants to see Arjun happy and smiling just like Riya. But I know she can't stand his anger. If only Riya was still alive... She would have made him smile like before.. Umpff!! Coming out from all those memories I replied to Sakshi who was looking at me eagerly.

"If only I had any idea. I think he will come late. "

"Oh ok... "

She said and I could see everyone are bewildered by the fact Rawte is late. I asked them to complete the paperwork until we get any case and left to my cabin. And then I was busy with my work. I checked the time to find it was already 10 am. And still there is no trace of Arjun. I got a call and now there is a new case. I left to the conference to find them all busy gossiping. I have never seen these people doing work when I see them. With my entry everyone became silent. I announced that we have a case and I can see everyone back in their officer's mood. Before briefing the case I decided to give a call to Rawte and find out about his whereabouts. I could hear the phone ringing but no one picked it up. I tried again and Rawte picked it up in the end.

"Rawte where are you? Why are you not in the office still? "

I asked him only to hear him sighing deeply.

"Morning Rathore... "

He said in a sleepy tone and I almost the phone slipped from my hand. I rechecked the caller ID and confirmed it was Rawte only. I can't believe it he is still sleeping. The super cop is still sleeping...

"Morning Rawte... Did you check the time? It's past office time. We have a case and so come here immediately. "

I said sternly although I know he doesn't take it seriously.

"Now what's the time Rathore. I am very sleepy. You go ahead with the case. "

He said and I stiffened hearing him. Is he even serious and on top of that is he fully awake. He is kidding me!!

"It's already 10:15 am Rawte. And I want you here right now. I hope I made myself very clear. "

"Oh so it is already 10:15. Anyway I am taking an off for two days. Enjoy solving your case."

He said lethargically and I am shocked by his behavior. The person who considers cases as his life and his duty as his soul is asking me for a day off even after knowing that there is a case. I can't believe this.

"Listen Rawte I am not granting you leave for two days. So you better be here or I will message you the site you come there directly. And this is final. "

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