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August's POV

I walked put from my house, not looking back. I dragged the large garbage bag, it clinking with every movement. The thin, black bag carried your household of 4's everyday garbage and a few- a lot of glass bottles. My parents were alcoholics, often hitting, slapping and punching me in their drunken state. It was only me, not my older brother. They had always hated me, I never really did know why. When they were drunk they would scream at me, "why were you born like this? Why are you so weak? If only you weren't-"

Once I had chucked the bag into the garbage, I heard rustling in the woods, right next to the house. I never understood why we had live next to the woods. It seemed very important to dad.

I walked over to the vast land of trees, seeing silhouettes. Suddenly I heard a loud voice and jumped back, confused.





I made my way closer to the commotion, my curiosity taking the better of me.

My jaw drops at the scene in front of me. There were 2 panting huntsmen, one, aiming its rifle at a wolf that appeared to be a child. The wolf was a dark grey, its eyes were yellow and shoned against the night's dark. I look closer and saw that it was limping away, now at a slow pace. It had been hit, its leg was bleeding, swelling up. I cringed at the sight. It must have hurt.

As the hunters turned to rummage through one of their bags, I ran, as silently as I could. I hid in the depths of the trees, facing the wolf. As I held my hands out, trying to make it come my way, it tilted its head to the side, almost trying to ask me questions. The wolf begins to open its mouth. I quickly shake my head, making sure not to make any sound that would attract the hunters to look back.

I watched as the beautiful wolf began to limp towards me, wincing every so often.

When it got close enough, I quickly grabbed it in my arms after I saw it about to fall. It was pretty big, but wasn't that heavy. I could manage. I make sure to support it's leg, still being careful not to cause any unnecessary pain. I couldn't believe people could be so cruel to hurt such a beautiful and amazing creature. It was evident that the wolf wasn't trying to harm them. Heck, it even came towards me like a pet dog.

I made my way back to my house, occasionally flinching at the shouts of annoyance and anger from the hunters. I sneaked around into my house through the back door. I didn't want my parents or my brother to find the wolf and finish it off.

As soon as I sneaked into my room, I placed the wolf onto my bed, carefully letting my arms unwrap from its body. I swiftly grabbed the first aid kit from under my bed. I always had a full kit, just in case my parents decided that they hated me.

Just as I reached for the animal's leg, I saw that the wound was starting to heal up. I flinched back. How could it heal so quickly? I moved forward, brushing the wolf's blood-stained fur. It somehow was already better. I still decided to wash and wrap the wound, just in case.

I looked at the clock placed on top of my bedside. 9:34pm. I knew I was already supposed to be in bed. I decided on having a short shower, getting into my pj's and heading into my bed. I brought the wolf under the cover.

I had always been told that I had a bad habit of relying on my instinct which apparently wasn't "right". I never felt scared of such animals. Actually, I felt the complete opposite. I loved wolves. My room was filled with posters and plushies.

As the thoughts ran out of my head, I felt my eyes close.

I awoke to something poking my nose.

I forced my eyes open, waiting for my vision to clear. As my view cleared, a small finger followed by a face came into my sight.

Who is that?......

To be continued...

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