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Longer chapter today, people!

I was wondering if anyone had any name suggestions. These new characters need names. Some may not be all that nice, just saying in advance.

August's POV

I dragged myself from my bed, putting Julien onto my bed.

I made my way towards my closet, changing my shirt into the white button up shirt and the navy blue vest with a checkered tie in which was my uniform.

I then grabbed my black, baggy pants and walked into the bathroom. As I closed the door, Julien stood in the way.


"I'm just going to get changed, alright baby?" I comforted.

I placed a hand on his cheek and smiled.

"Okay mama," he ended, moving out of the way.

I finished changing and brushed my teeth. I already knew that the small breakfast I get wasn't going to be mine, but the small child who has now entrusted me with his life.

I finished by combing my hair. As I opened the door, Julien jumped into my arms. He's quite the needy one.

I walked down the hall after I told Julien to wait in my room, in my bed.

I sat down at the table where my mother reluctantly gave me 2 strips of bacon and an egg.

"Come on ma," Michael started, "I think our, now adult, needs some nutrients and protein. Wouldn't you agree?" I have no idea why he even tried at this point. I was grateful though.

"Such a kind soul you are, son," dad stated from his claimed spot on the couch.

Mom looked at me, almost with disgust in her eyes. She then sighed, as if being forced to do the impeccable. She generously added another 2 strips of bacon.

"Where's our thank you?" She began, "that food was bought with your father's money, cooked by me and only with you because of Michael."

I gave her a dirty glare. I can't believe this woman. I sucked up my pride, forcing out, "thank you,". I knew I needed all the food I could get for Julien.

"I might eat in my room," I said out of nowhere, causing my mom to look at me with a questioning look. Michael also brought his glance to me, looking me up and down suspiciously.

"Remember I'm not coming to clean up any mess you make!" Mom huffed. She always acted worse when her precious son, Michael, wasn't around. He had no idea what she and their father did when they were drunk. Michael was their perfect son. He was always praised while I was treated like a mistake. Can you blame for for being salty?

I happily walked up to my room, bringing my plate.

I opened the door to find a grumpy Julien lying on his back with his bare tummy up. I should probably go find some of my clothes from when I was younger. I walked over and sat on my bed, being careful not to get any food on the covers. I pat Jule's tummy, making him jump.

"I'm hungry mama," he said.

"You up for bacon, Jule?" I asked. I could almost see the ears on either side of his head stand up, is that a tail wagging behind him?

I passed him the plate and watched him scarf down the bacon, leaving the egg bare and lonely on the plate.

He then slowly moved the plate back towards me, "sorry mama," Julien started, "I ate it all, but you can still have egg?" He said, tilting his head down. Not wanting to see those ears of his fall flat, I placed my hand on his back, rubbing soothingly.

"Don't worry, mama's not hungry," I said. "Now, let's go find you some clothes," I start, "I don't think you should be walking around butt naked."

And with that, I rummaged all around my room. No one really comes in my room, maybe Michael to wake me up like this morning. Mom always acts like my room is some nasty public toilet, an area which has been cautioned off with yellow tape from entry to exit. Dad's not much better. He just asks like I don't exist, sometimes looking guilty for some stupid reason. Maybe it's the same reason why mom shouts at dad when she's drunk, saying it's his fault.

I come across a shirt and some shorts from when I was 7. I think they're around a good fit. I was a small kid. I looked over to Julien, waving, signalling for him to come towards me. Without second thought, he dashed my way.

Julien was all dressed, wearing my grey shorts and yellow shirt with a star at the breast pocket. I had wrapped him in a cardigan which I adjusted to make it fit him better. It was a cold morning, personally I was freezing without my jacket which was ruined after I got home last week. Mom just had to be drunk. She's surprisingly strong, I must say. I couldn't wear anything else since it was our school uniform.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Julien called out.

"Mama!" He started, "when are we going to find papa?"

"Very soon, don't worry Jule," I said, followed by his giggling.

"Why don't you wait here while I go for a second, I'll be back soon," I finished, smiling. I waited until I got a nod from Julien before heading out of my room for the second time.

I walked back down the hall, only to meet Michael half way.

"Are you ready to leave already?" Michael asked me, looking down at his watch. Since school started at 8:15, I usually left with Michael at 7:30. It was only an 8 minute drive. It was 7:18 now.

"Umm...actually," I started, "I was thinking of walking today."

"But it's freezing, why not just let me drive you?"

"I just feel a little hot at the moment. Plus, why not exercise?" I lied. I was freezing. I saw Michael grumble something under his breath. He looked at me, suspiciously.

"Well I'll leave from the back!" I said, turning around, taking a few steps back to my room.

I was tugged back. I turned around confused.

Why is Michael grabbing my arm?...

To be continued...

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