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<Trigger warnings: curse words, mention of stitching, blood>

{3rd person's POV}

"Deimos stay still"

"OUCH! Well that's really hard when you are literally sewing me alive!"

Deimos was laying down on the metal table in one of the base's rooms and you were currently trying to patch him up. Keyword...trying. He was shuffling like a mad man and you couldn't find any anaesthetics. Oh! Why were you patching him up? Well...an incident happened when you two were on a mission and one of the scientists tools went crazy. How crazy?...have you ever seen a saw blade jump out of it's place? Yeh..blood everywhere is what happened.

"It wasn't my fault back there that... that saw went loose and...cut open your arm! Now stay still! You've been through worst"

"Of course I was! But I couldn't really feel it!"

"That's bullshit and you know it!"

Now he was acting like a big baby, both of you knew he was shot, cut and punched multiple times in the past and he was just fine, so the reason why is he acting like this is now unknown to you...true is....you've noticed he's been distant from you for the past few days. You didn't really tell him your feelings for him yet though so...that couldn't make him uncomfortable. Did something went wrong in the past few days that could possibly make him angry or stressed?

"Are you done yet?"

Hearing his voice startled you a little bit, but it wasn't that noticeable...gee, you must be thinking hard about his behaviour.

"Few more stitches...and you can go"

A little of time has passed and you were finally done with stitching and patching up Deimos. He made few louder groans and whines while doing so and it started to get really annoying. Deimos finally stood up from the table he was on and stretched a bit.

"Don't stretch so much, your stitches will tear apart"

"Yeah, yeah whatever"

He walked passed you not even looking back at you. What a jerk. You were about to clean the room when you heard a silent voice.


You turned around to face Deimos, but he was already gone, walking along the halls of the base, only his heels being auditable. To say at least...he thanked you... you really needed to talk with him about this whole thing. It seemed like he was getting angry about you worrying so much about him, but let's face it...he's regardless and you just wanted to make sure he's alright. Sure, you were scoffing him for being so careless and not being careful on the missions, only firing the weapons and not looking after his own back, but does he care?....you can think about the answer...nonetheless to say you went back to cleaning the mess, deciding to talk with him later.

~Timeskip: 2 hours~

{Y/N's POV}

I was leaning on the kitchen counter looking through my phone. Just scrolling through some social media since there was barely time to do so and I was bored, waiting for Deimos. At some point he will come in the kitchen. Suddenly my throat felt really dry so I turned around, opened one of the cupboards, pulled out a glass and filled it with water from the sink. Luckily we had at least clean water in the base considering Nevada was hell and water was rather rare. In barely few seconds I chugged down almost the whole glass, a bit of water staying on the bottom...

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