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The thing Luigi didn't like about his job was that there were off days.

As a photographer, he was either swamped with clients or completely free for weeks on end, and he hated those periods because it made him restless.

To distract himself, he made a trip to the nearby mall, looked at books, then did his groceries. He had looked up meal prep recipes online as he had let himself gorge on his oily favorites during the trip, promising to eat healthier once he got home.

He was just about to head back to his apartment when he caught the smell of dumplings.

Damn it, okay, just today, he thought. His willpower be damned, he could not resist the idea of a generous serving of dim sum as his stomach was already grumbling, and he honestly didn't feel like cooking at the moment. Luigi made his way to the busy restaurant, grocery bags in tow, and waited to be seated.

"Hi, sir, would you mind sharing a table? We're pretty packed today."

"Not at all."

"Ok, this way please," the staff said after a short while, leading him to a corner. He nearly doubled back when he saw that the table he was being led to already had someone familiar seated there.

"Hi," he said to the table's other occupant as the staff left him. He was feeling an odd mix of apprehension and kilig from seeing Patricia again. "Sorry, this was the only available seat."

Patricia wasn't in pajamas today, and was instead dressed in a white blouse that suited her. The thick glasses remained, but her hair was down. She looked beautiful, much happier, and Luigi guessed she'd had enough time to sleep with the way she was smiling now.

"Hi, Luigi. No worries."

"I promise not to bother you," he told her, looking at the menu.

She was reading something on her phone when he got there, and he did not want to distract her from that as it was probably important. She just gave him a curious look, smile fading slightly, then went back to her phone. He took his own phone out of his pocket and just started playing a game to distract himself.

Once in a while, though, Luigi's curiosity got the better of him, and he snuck a glance at her here and there. There were no rings of any sort on her hands. Not that it meant anything, she probably was a busy person who never would have given him the time of day. She looked cute today, though.

Maybe a tiny crush wouldn't hurt.

He munched on his dim sum in peace, trying his hardest not to open a conversation or look at her for longer than he should. He saw her munch on three orders of dumplings and enjoy herself immensely.

"Hey, nice hang," Patricia said, standing up. She had a different smile this time - it reminded him of a mischievous child that was up to something naughty. He decided he liked this cheeky version of her too.

"Cool. Ingat," was all he managed to say as she glided away.

He shook his head and concentrated on finishing his food. Upon emptying his last serving of turnip cakes, he noticed that his order invoice was missing. He looked for it under the serving bowl where he saw it last, and instead found a note written on a napkin.

Hey, sorry about last time! :(

To make up for my sungit, I've taken care of lunch. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Patricia Co, 11K

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