Writing a Fanfic

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Author's Note: I don't even know if this counts as having a plot. Maybe if I ever figure out how to write romance someday I'll put together that TexCali fanfic for Florida and all the other shippers.


Florida and California were both known for storytelling and creativity. There was Hollywood in California and Disneyworld in Florida. (Disneyland also existed in California, but Florida refused to count it because it was just one measly park). So when the two states did get along, they could often be found doing something creative like filming, or painting pictures, or writing stories (alright, writing fanfiction).

The two were in California's room. His reasoning was that he was the one typing everything up, so they should work in his room where he has easy access to his stuff. The real reason was that California didn't trust Florida's room to not be a complete bio-hazard. So Florida brought Walt, his pet lizard, with him and made himself comfortable on California's bed.

"Alright Nation-state, what fandom are we writing for today?" Florida asked.

California checked the email they had set up for writing and art requests. "It looks like... no fandom in particular, but the requester would like a romance story."

Florida snorted. "Was that Virginia who requested it?"

Even though they got requests from strangers on the internet as well as their fellow states, it was in fact, Virginia who had sent the email. Though California doubted he meant to include his name. "What type of romance should we make? Alternate Universe, arranged marriage, two college students on campus?"

"Enemies to Lover. Best trope out there." Florida said. He picked up Walt so they were facing each other. "Well, maybe second to the friends-to-lovers trope."

"Nah," California said, "friends-to-lovers is great, but enemies-to-lover is better because you have this much longer build-up. They start off arguing, then begrudgingly get along, and then you get to the 'oh no, I might actually like this person' stage."

"Alright, consider this. Enemies to lovers but before they were enemies they were friends."

California nodded his head in agreement. But before he could reply, his brain supplied some very... annoying information. During the meeting last week, in the middle of his argument with Texas, Florida had told them to kiss. He was "writing a fanfic". The statement had almost offended California, since why would he even like that cowboy jerk. However, now the pieces were slowly falling into place. The idea terrified him. "Oh God. That's what you meant."

"What's what I meant?" Florida asked. He had gotten distracted and was currently using one of California's cat's toys to play with Walt. The lizard was scurrying around on his bed trying to catch the feather. Franmeowsco glared from her perch on California's dresser, but Florida wouldn't let her near his lizard. "I say a lot of things, you're gonna have to be more specific."

He didn't get a response though. California was rapidly searching through the request emails, unread, read, deleted, spammed, anything. It wasn't uncommon for some of the other states to send requests in about each other. It was almost always art requests, usually a recreation of a photo one had taken. Kentucky liked to request for sketches of him with people from his past who had sadly passed on. Oregon had asked for a painting of Alaska and Hawai'i together to send them, since they were great friends but were unable to hang out together in person often. But occasionally there were requests for a story. But nothing he found listed him and Texas. "Where- who?"

Florida finally looked over at California. He started laughing when he saw just how red his cheeks were getting. What was he getting so embarrassed about - OH! The kiss comment. Oh this was just too perfect. "Oh I'm not telling you that. And they wouldn't be fool enough to send an email to the account that YOU read."

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