Chapter 3 Robyn tell alberto her secret

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Alberto walk to the woods with Freddy to see Robyn  

(Alberto) Robyn I'm here

robyn appear 

(Robyn) hi alberto 

they hug 

(Alberto)  robyn do you know about wolfwalkers

(Robyn) how do you know about wolfwalkers

(Alberto) Duchsess told us about them

(robyn) I do because I ...

(Alberto) you are one of them

(Robyn) yea please don't get mad

(Alberto) I'm not mad and I won't tell everyone

(Robyn) ok come 

they walk to a cave and saw someone sleeping and wolves

(Robyn) this is my home

(Alberto) is that you body 

(Robyn) yes it asleep

then she jump and her wolf form disappear she was a human now 

(Alberto) wow so Duchsess was right

(Robyn) Yea I guess she is 

They walk though woods then sit on a cliff

Alberto started fell in love with Robyn and robyn pet freddy suddenly alberto trip and fell into the water

(Robyn) alberto where are you

she run to the seaside and call for alberto alberto was worry because what were robyn say about him robyn  was on a small wood boat Freddy jump into the water and turn into a merpup 

(Robyn)  alberto where are you 

Alberto swim but got caught in the net in the water

(Alberto) help 

Robyn hear him call from help and saw the sea monster

(Robyn) don't worry sea monster I'm not going hurt

She took the net off  alberto look up at Robyn and robyn gasp 

(Robyn) alberto you are a sea monster

(Alberto) yeah I didn't want to tell you because I thought you be scared of me 

(Robyn) I'm not scared of you  

she help alberto on the boat and freddy too 


It was sunset 

(Alberto) Robyn do want to come my home for dinner

(Robyn)  yes 

(Freddy)  ok this way 

*to be continued*

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