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The next morning I woke up hearing the sobs of Claire. I still hadn't forgotten about Craig. I walked out of the room and saw Claire sobbing on the stairs. "Claire, what happened? Why are you crying?" And that's when I noticed a letter in her hand. I pulled the letter and just reading it, I felt lump forming in my throat. 

Dear Claire

I don't know how to tell you but I have to. Am really sorry. But maybe I don't think that we are right for each other. I like you, I really like you but I don't think I can love you. I think I have found who my true love is. Yesterday In the auditorium, I met Rachel, and now I think that I have feelings for her. She was in geography class with me. I really hope we could still be friends. I hope you understand.


"Claire am really sorry" I said in a concerned tone. But she didn't say a word, and I knew very well that it was best to leave her alone. So, though I wanted to stay with her and console her I went to my room. Maybe I should have told her. I thought. But it looked as if she was the happiest person in the world, how could have I told her? I felt really sorry for her.

I had asked Claire if she was coming to school but I got the response I has expected. So I had to go to school alone. Not that Claire was my only friend but she was the closest, and by closest I mean REALLY close. And now I am in the school café with 2 of my other friends. Jason and Taylor. Let me introduce. Jason is the one who is the first person on the principal's list. If you do not find him anywhere in the school, he is sure to be found in the principal's office. Taylor on the other hand is the complete opposite. If you don't find HER anywhere it means you haven't checked the library yet. "Now what are we gonna have for lunch? Cam someone please te me cause I am starving" "Jason, can you for once not talk about food?" Said Taylor looking out of the  book for the first time. "I can't help it!" "So where's Claire?" Taylor asked ignoring Jason.  "She's not feeling well" I lied. "But she was there in the selections yesterday!" "Oh my god I totally forgot because of 'some idiot' to congratulate you! Am so happy for you!" "Thanks Taylor!" I myself had forgotten that I was selected! How I despise that nitwit Craig.

Hey guys!!
Listen to this song while reading the first part of the chapter!!
Hope you like it!


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