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"You listen to me; I will not be hung for a treason I did not commit! Addam's madness should have died with him!" Madame Carp's voice rang thick and heavy through the small space of her store. She stood at ends with Erik whose face was flushed red with anger in the setting sun.

"I'm not asking you to commit treason, I'm only asking for shelter for my wife who is with child. Where are we supposed to go - out into the cold?"

It was hardly the first time they'd argued over the matter, or any matter frankly. Over the recent weeks, Madam Carps Emporium had been filled with tension waiting to explode. Petty shouting matches had whisked about the place through the better half of the winter, but this was what felt like the first and final true brawl.

"Freeloaders!" Madam Carp boomed, waving an irritated hand as though she was swatting at flies. "That is what you are - freeloaders! I've been generous enough the past few years, turning a blind eye to your antics, but the kings men are searching the town on the daily! I suppose I should remind you that his wife is with child as well! He wont sleep until he's weeded out every infestation of treason in this kingdom and that includes you!" she jabbed an accusing finger at Erik who frowned defensively.

"Addams died fighting for people like you. He died fighting for a world where we all could have equal opportunity- ''

"Don't lecture me, boy! I have had my ambitions and dignity stripped in ways you'll never understand. I will not let my life be laid to waste by any man ever again, do you understand? I want you out!" Madame Carp shouted, and her face was hard with resolve.

Erik faltered, his face wrought with desperation. His own resolve from earlier had faded.

"Please," he begged, his voice nothing more than a wretched whisper. "Let my wife stay. At least until the baby comes. I will leave with the others. I'll look for work, pay for her keep."

"I will pay for my own keep." Vanessa's voice came from the top of the stairs and the others turned to face her. She wore a thin nightgown and a blanket over her shoulders and was just now beginning to show the signs of childbearing. Carefully, she made her way down the stairs to join them. "If we are ever to leave this place then we'll need money for it, it won't do to have you send everything you're working for right back here. Erik will leave to look for land we can settle before the summer comes. Until then I will stay here and work for my room and board."

Madame Carp studied her with dark and narrow eyes. She considered this long and slow before giving a short nod of the head and turning on her heel.

"By the time the sun rises tomorrow I do not want to see a single man in this house!" She snapped over her shoulder before kicking open the front door and storming out into the cold March air.

In the settling silence, Erik and Vanessa stood facing each other with heavy eyes before taking one another in a tight embrace. They stood that way for a long while, Vanessa with her head pressed against Erik's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart while he ran his fingers through her dark hair. When he finally spoke again, it was with forced optimism.

"I suppose after all the trouble this winter it shouldn't be too hard to find farmers looking for hired hands." He said softly. Vanessa hummed softly in response, listening to the rumble of his voice in his chest. "I'll look somewhere away from the village. Maybe even up by Lady Gossamer's woods. It may be best to leave this place behind, and all of our sins with it."

"Sins," Vanessa breathed bitterly, her eyes still closed in gentle rest. "All we wanted was a better life. There is no crime for that."

"We will have one. I promise," and he pulled her back gently, dipping his head to look earnestly into her brown eyes. "I promise, however long it takes, I will build a home for us where we can raise our child. Where we can have our family at last."

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