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The plan was fairly simple, though Preminger could already see a thousand ways it could go wrong. A coup was never something to be taken lightly, but Addams spoke with such confidence, the others found themselves believing it could be achieved.

"The goal is not to kill the king, or any of the royals if we don't have to. We're looking to seize control of the castle. Daunting, I know, but with the cover of the mines, I believe we can get enough men inside so that it may be possible."

Preminger worried his lip as he skimmed over the map Addams had lain across the table. It was a handrawn rendering of the mines that webbed beneath the city, supplied by one of the workers Preminger knew vaguely by name. From what he could tell, it appeared accurate, and if they met no trouble, it would be a direct path to the underground of the palace. That, he figured, was where they'd meet real difficulty.

"Are the men prepared to fight?" He wondered, estimating loosely the odds of a swarm of peasants against the royal guard. It was not very reassuring.

"They have heart, and strength from their labor in the fields, but they are not skilled warriors." William answered, scrubbing at his jaw as he mulled over similar odds.

"I am aware," said Addams. "But it is my belief that their courage may be enough. Lives we be lost, that is sure, but if we've rallied enough men I believe we can overwhelm the guard enough to get through to the inner palace. We've thought also of creating some form of diversion outside, to divide the defenses and give us easier access down below."

From the corner, Lady Gossamer let out a huff, a clear sign of disproval as she stuffed her hand sewn pouches with herbal blends. Addams turned to her, eyebrows raised.

"You're not in favor of this?"

She looked at him, eyes piercing and wise as she dropped a fistful of peppermint to the table beside her.

"You think too much with your brawn and not enough with your brain. You need strategy to win this fight." she insisted.

"What would you have me do? These men are not soldiers, and we do not have the time or the recourses to train them. What they have are their hands, and they will use them to the last man standing."

The witch pursed her lips, a knowing look settling into her expression. But rather than argue, she jabbed her chin in Preminger's direction, beady eyes staring at him from down her nose.

"The boy has something to say." She stated, and Preminger started. Addams turned back to him curiously.

"You know the mines and the people of the city better than I. Tell me, do you believe this will work?"

Preminger blinked, looking to the others in wait for someone else to step in, but they all looked at him expectantly. Preminger stole a glance at the witch.

"Actually, I did have a thought."

Addams nodded in encouragement and Preminger cleared his throat, turning the map to face him.

"I agree with Lady Gossamer, I believe we need more tactic if we are to win this fight. The mines are a good tool, but they may be more useful than you know." He jabbed a finger at the map, tracing the thin black line of railway that spidered across the city. "They aren't just used for acquiring gold. The mines are also used as a mode of transportation: transportation of goods in and out of the city."

From across the table, Vanessa chirped up, looking to Preminger in understanding.

"This is true," she said. "Madame Carpe acquires all her materials through the trade routes that come from the mines, and the silk comes mostly from other kingdoms. The city itself relies on outsourcing to the smaller villages and even to other lands for it's support, but the mines are what connect to all the trading routes and bring them into the city."

Preminger nodded, looking back to Addams who appeared to be piecing together what they suggested.

"The men may not have the power to overwhelm the royal guard at the palace where defense is heaviest, but if we can take control of the major trading posts in the mines that lead into the city, it would cut off some of the economy's major resources."

"A siege," breathed William. Preminger met his gaze from across the table, watched his face illuminated in the flickering firelight. There was admiration in his eyes, deep and profound, and something else Preminger did not recognize. He have a shallow nod in response.

"But the kingdom has many enemies," Addams interjected, and Preminger forced himself to break the gaze. "It must be prepared for siege in event of a war. Blocking the trade routes would hardly do much damage."

"The yield this year was poorer than most," Vanessa suggested, looking to her husband who knew well the ways of the field.

"It's true. Not disastrous," he assured them. "But certainly not enough for surplus."

"That may come in handy," Preminger agreed, "But I don't look to starve the city. We are not an army, or a kingdom, we have not the resources for a proper siege. Instead, I take this to be more of a warning to the king. A message, a brief halt on the city's economy, enough to stir the working people and demand action from the king. He will not turn a blind eye when it's his home that is being encroached upon."

Addams nodded, considering this carefully as he ran a smooth hand over his chin. There was a long beat of silence as he pondered, the only sound the crackle of the hearth and the gentle snoring of the twins from where they'd fallen asleep beside one another. It seemed plausible sitting here around this table, hidden in the shelter of the woods, that they might overthrow the strength of the kingdom, but when the time came, the test would surely begin. Addams finally looked up.

"And what if it fails?" He asked. "What if the surplus is greater than we expect, and the citizens don't stand with us at all? What if the king doesn't care? What then?"

William stood, hands pressed against the wood body of the table as it groaned against his movement. There was fire in his eyes, determination.

"Then we push through to the palace and we fight. The king will not hide in his fortress forever."

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