Hey Jude

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Dean and Sam were riding quietly down the road after finishing a case in Ohio. Dean had the radio playing so there was not complete silence. Sam still agreed that they shouldn't have let Cas kill the other Angel, but there was no going back.

"Look Sam, it was either the Angel was going to kill us, or Cas killed him. There was no choice in between." Dean finally snapped.

"Yes there was, we could have brought him back to the bunker. We could have put him in the dungeon. Interrogated him." Sam replied bluntly.

"What good would that have gotten us?" Dean asked, turning down the music.

"I don't know, maybe why this reaper is after us?"

"Hey look, we did what we had to do. That's the end of it Sam. Look I didn't even want you to come. You are still recovering from the trials."

"I'm fine Dean. I promise. I know my strengths."

"Do you Sammy?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sam questioned.

"It means that you hold back and don't tell me if you are okay. You just say you are." Dean glanced over to Sam who was looking out his window. Dean saw Sam roll his eyes in the reflection. When Dean looked back to the road, he only had a few seconds to swerve. He was too late though. Since Dean swerved left by mistake, the truck hit Sam's side of the car.

Dean blacked out, but when he came too, everything was blurry. He stumbled his way out of the car and over to Sam's side. Dean managed to get the door open and pull his brother from the damaged impala. The driver of the truck was passed out at the wheel.

Dean reached over Sam and grabbed his phone. He dialed 911 and told them about the accident before passing out again. The next thing he knew, he was outside the car with Sam in his arms.

Red and Blue lights swirled around as Dean sat on his knees beside Sam. Blood was rushing from Sam's head as he tried to hang on, stay awake. Dean did his best to help his little brother as the paramedics rushed over with a stretcher.

"Sir, we need to step away from the patient. Sir..." Dean glanced up, tears streaming down his face.

"He...he's my brother. I can't...I can't leave him." Dean stuttered trying to hold on to Sam. Another paramedic came from behind and pulled Dean off of Sam. Sam was gently placed on a stretcher and carried over to the ambulance. Dean broke free from the grasp of the paramedic holding him and ran after Sam to the ambulance.

"His blood pressure is 98/75 and dropping. Pulse is at 54. We need some oxygen and bandages stat. Wound in the head is bleeding fast. Tell the medics at the hospital we will need blood. Dean passed out on the small cot next to Sam. Holding his hand.

Dean refused to let go since it was his fault. For once, it was not the fault of a demon, or hellhound, or any other monster out there. It was his fault. He only let go when he finally passed out himself.

Dean woke up in the hospital. An IV was stuck in his arm with an oxygen monitor on his finger. Dean struggled to sit up, but pain shot down his back. He saw a nurse pass and shouted for her.

"Yes Mister Winchester?" She set a clipboard on a table beside the bed.

"Where is my brother?" Dean asked, gasping in pain.

"Sir, you need to relax. Everything will be okay. I promise sir, you just need to lay down and relax." The nurse told Dean, laying a hand on his shoulder.

"No...no my brother, I need to find my brother." Dean said, trying to sit up again. "My brother, is he okay?"

"Sir your brother is fine. He is still unconscious, but there has been no damage that we can see from the scans. I'll come inform you if anything comes about Mister Winchester." The nurse gave Dean a small smile and gently patted his shoulder. She picked up her clipboard and walked out the room. The nurse turned back towards Dean one more time and her eyes flashed black.

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