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Cas felt terrible lying to Dean, but it was the only way to keep the brothers safe. The only way to keep Sam and Dean from dying. Cas repeated that to himself over and over to justify his decision. Cas was zapped back to heaven. He fell on the floor trembling as a searing pain raced through his body.

"Hello Castiel, how nice of you to join us on this lovely occasion." Naomi told the Angel as he did his best to stand on his feet.
"What do you want?" Cas grumbled ruffling out his trench coat. It was getting dirty and he needed to wash it.

"You know what I want, and you know where they are." Naomi told Castiel.

"No, I won't let you do it. I'm not telling you." Castiel replied.

"Fine. If you won't tell us, we will just find them ourselves. They need to be killed, Castiel. You know it's for the better!" Naomi called after him as Castiel was taken away from Naomi's office. Castiel was slammed into a cell, with the door shut behind him.

"Don't you dare hurt them!" Castiel shouted, running up to the bars. The angel tried to shake them before sitting on the ground knowing there was no way out. He had to hope that Dean and Sam were safe at the bunker. Cas had put up some warding sigils before he went to go see Sam and Dean at the hospital, Cas wanted to be believe that the brothers would see them. "I should have left a letter, what if they don't see the sigils in time. Maybe I should have just told Dean what was going on in heaven. I mean they would be better prepared. I'm so stupid!" Castiel screamed into his hands before curling up on the bench in the cell.

"Come on Sammy we need to get home. Cas said that the angels want us dead for some reason." Dean told Sam trying to help him off the couch. Sam glanced up at his brother and just slumped back into the couch in pain. "Sammy please." There was a crack in Dean's voice as he tried to lift Sam off the couch again.

"Dean please just leave me, I am in pain. I don't want to move or go anywhere. Everything hurts." Sam whimpered leaning into Dean this time.

"I know Sam, but the doctor gave you pain meds and I'll find a pillow for your head in the car. You can lay down in the backseat and rest okay? I'm not leaving you here though where you can't defend yourself." Sam just nodded and allowed Dean to half carry him to the impala. There were still a few kinks Dean wanted to fix, but he could do that later when they weren't being tracked by angels. Once Dean got Sam in the car, he ran back to find some pillows and a blanket for his brother. When Dean got back to the car, Sam had fallen asleep so Dean carefully covered Sam with the blanket and did his best to get one of the pillows under his head without waking him.

Dean got in the driver's seat and started the Impala pulling out of the shop. The sun was beginning to set as the air got chilly and day faded into night. Dean turned on the radio, but turned it down so it was quiet in case Sam woke and needed anything. Dean hated feeling useless like this, hated that there was nothing he could do but watch over Sam and make sure he was comfortable. When they finally reached the bunker, the moon had risen well into the sky. Sam was in and out of consciousness from having slept so long, but sat up in the backseat when Dean turned off the engine in the garage.

"Hey Sammy boy, how ya feeling?" Dean asked, taking off his seatbelt, turning around to face Sam.
"Well my head still feels like it got hit by a bus, but part of that could just be because I'm hungry." Sam gave a small smile and leaned forward against Dean's chair.

"I figured you might be just a little hungry. Here, I stopped once we hit town." Dean pulled a abg from the passenger seat side of the car and pulled out a large fry. He gave it to Sam who thanked him. "And I know, I know, you are all mister healthy guy, but I also got you something else." Dean grabbed the second cup from the cup holder and gave it to Sam. "One large chocolate milkshake." Sam let out a small laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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