||•Y/n is a pillar, but nobody know really who she is. She has been a mystery ever sence she showed up one day. The quit girl really only gets along with a few people. But she been getting paired with someone that she is scared of. That would be san...
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This may contain spoilers for muzan and the master of the mansion.
Disclaimer This is a bad chapter just skip it pleaseskip it this is filler
A couple of years ago.
"Hello! I'm y/n l/n. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you're doing well today." a sweet young girl said.
"Hello. My dear no need to be so formal but thank you for that blessing. You have a good heart you know that right. Anyway. Do you know why I called you here?" the young girl smiled and said a small no.
"Well, I'm here to inform you a bit about your family." you looked at the man what did he know. "So your mother was related to the demon that killed them. His name is muzan."
You look at this man. " he is the leader of the demons. You are very special my girl. You have able to do things greater than you can do."
"Muzan is a Grandfather of yours a long time ago, and you know how demons can live forever. So this is true I'm also related to you"
" We both come from the same bloodline. But yours is different than mine. My family doesn't live every long we all die by the age of 25."
"But you're special. My dear. Yes, we're kids of a cursed man. But.. My dear. You are not like the others. Even though they may hate you. It's not like that."
" we come from a curse that we can't get out of. But with you, I think you can put an end to the curse."
"People have said things about you. And they are wrong so please dot listen to them. We.. where born for a reason but I tell you. Something this may not make sense to you yet."
" Long ago. Muzan had affair with woman for along time. And each time he had kids and these kids went on to have there own family but because we have blood that the gods had cursed."
"This happened to stop us. But it never did we don't live very long at all. But. Because we are powerful people. And I want you to help us."
He said and he said if you need time then that it was okay. You where related to the fucking demon king.
This pissed you off the most. You and your family was cursed by the gods because of one mans doing this made you mad.
Why did everyone in our family have to suffer just because of one mistake that someone made.
But it made sense you where the oldest out of your family and now it was your responsibility to take care of what's going on.
This make sense to why people didn't like you. When you came here. The children of the cursed have to suffer because of something.
But you didn't understand why your great grandfather would kill your parents the leave you to live.
It didn't make any sense. You had absolutely no idea what to do with this. You couldn't tell people or people could kill you just for that.