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X'Anna Leilani
"I lay you back on your back and do you just like that" I hummed to Giveon's voice as I got out the shower.

It was the beginning of summer and they were throwing a big mansion party. I enjoyed small kickbacks so I was a little worried about being around all these people. My friends practically begged me to go, but I just know there's gone be hella kids there.

Since they just graduated they finna try to cut up cause they think they grown now. I can't even talk that was us,last year.

My friends, Khadijah and Hakeem swore I was bound to find a girlfriend tonight but I doubt it. These hoes don't be shit and they barely look good anyways.

I wore a Boyz N The Hood semi oversized graphic tee with some black booty shorts with my UNC to Chicago Jordan 1s with some white scrunched up socks. I combed my hair down and applied some lipgloss.

citygjrlsftkeem 🧏🏾‍♀️

me: I'm ready to be picked up whores.

keem:why yo bald head ass not driving yo own car?

me: cause yo long neck ass wanted me to come so come get me bitch

kha: y'all r meaaan

keem: khadijah shut yo dumb ass up,zy im otw be outside in 10 seconds bitch

me: suck my asshole thru a straw and don't talk to my bestie like det tf pea body built ass boy

keem: no it stank 🤢

kha: hop off my bestie dick rn

keem: ain't nobody on that silicon

me: i- now why you had to go that far🥺

keem: i'm outside bitch come on

Yeah we just a lil messed up in the head nothing much. I grabbed my chapstick and headed for the door making sure to lock up cause yeah no.

"Who all supposed to be here" I asked Keem once I got in the car.

" Do I look like the damn RSVP list to you" He asked and I started laughing.

"Whatever" I started scrolling through twitter seeing everybody say pull up to the party. Lord be with me cause my social meter dies down so fast.


"Heeeeey best!" Kha said walking up with her 2 homegirls. I wish I could tell you their names but I can't. They decent looking though.

"Wassup luv" I said hugging her and nodding at her homegirls.

"Khadijah bitch why y'all left me" Another girl said trailing behind.

I- Who is this? I seen her around before but maybe cause I'm high she looking extra delicious right now.

"You was walking too slow" One of the girls said and they laughed.

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