dominant 11

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A'Zuri Chanel

I groaned closing my laptop,this work so damn aggravating.Who told me to be a nursing major any damn ways.All this damn school work.I been doing homework since 3 O'Clock it's about to be 8.

"I quit"I said out loud,grabbing my phone. I'll study some more tomorrow.

need a damn drink after that

I went to take a shower so I can just lay on the couch and watch movies.Idk where X'Anna ass at.She left early this morning.

I got in the shower and did my hygiene routine,while listening to Brent's new album.

Once I finished,I put on one of X'Anna shirts and some panties.I thought about cooking but I did enough work for today,so ima just doordash me some wingstop most likely.I wish my woman was here so I could get some cuddles in.

I laid on the couch and ordered my food then turned on netflix.I need to find me a good thriller but not too scary since I'm here alone.

I eventually found a movie and turned it on,then I just waited for my food.

A little bit later X'Anna came through the door.

"hi baby"I kissed her as she sat down next to me.She sighed and ran her hand over her face "wassup mama"

"what's wrong?"I asked her observing her body language and facial expressions.She shook her head.

"I don't really wanna talk about it,i'm about to shower real quick.I been running around all day"She told me kissing me one more time then getting up.

I never seen her sad or angry or whatever this feeling is.She don't ever show her feelings,so whatever this is.It Was bothering her.

Once she was done she came back in a sport bra and some shorts. "are you okay atleast"I asked her an she nodded.

"yea baby i'm fine,let's watch the movie"She pointed out laying between my legs with her head on chest.

"okay,but deadass let me know if you wanna talk or vent.i'm here to listen to you baby"I pouted rubbing her back.


"hold on baby the food is here."I tapped her signaling for her to let me go.She groaned and grabbed me tighter

"No,stay"she mumbled.

I eventually got up to get the food.

"You hungry?What did you eat today?"I asked her

"Nothing,but i'm not hungry"

"girl gone on"I picked up one of the hot wings with the fork and basically forced her to eat it.

After we were done eating she looked at me.

"What"I asked looking back at her confused.

"I love you fr"

"I love you more baby"I told her kissing her forehead.

"So I went to my parents house today & basically I never had a relationship with my mom. And she's telling me all this bullshit about why we didn't have a relationship.I feel bad that I just don't give a fuck.Like i'm too grown now,she lost out.But i feel shitty for feeling that way because that's my mom"she ranted looking stressed.

"i mean i understand her,nobody is perfect and parents will make mistakes.but it's also wrong for you to feel like you don't wanna fix the relationship.i mean atleast not now,you can give yourself time to think on it because it's something that did hurt you and y'all won't come back from that overnight.i also don't want you to not rebuild that relationship and regret it in the end . you can rebuild it but on your own terms and set your own boundaries so that you're comfortable and not just her"I advised making her nod.

"Thank you mama,I appreciate that"She laid back on my chest and I smiled a little.She finally opened up to me.She's so hardbody,never talks about her feelings or what's going on in her head,i'm just glad she trusts me enough to open up to me about studf.

"How was your day,what did you do?"She asked me and I groaned just thinking about all the work I had to do today.

"It was busy,I had hella homework that stressed me tf out."I sighed

"It'll pay off in the end,you gone be my lil nurse bae& ima be a stay at home wife"She smirked making me laugh.

"Whatever you want baby"I joked,her ass make more than me and she didn't even go to college.Between her clothing line and the money her dad and brother give her.This bitch is rich.

"Kha is calling you"I told her passing her,her phone off the charger.

"Hey best"Kha screamed through the phone. Making X'Anna scrunch up her face "Stop being so loud."

"Granny"Kha shrugged. "What are we doing tonight? I'm bored let's do something.Let's go get drinks or something"She added on.

"Y'all not tired of drinking?"X'Anna asked and I laughed bc we don't even drink that often.

"No,we don't. We don't gotta go to the club or nothing.We can go get drinks and then go somewhere afterwards"Kha suggested.

"Like where?"X'Anna asked.

"We can go to the carnival"

"Riding rides drunk?Does not seem like good idea"X'Anna shut that idea down.

"Well bitch you come up with something"Kha told her making me laugh.

"We can just get some drinks and play games at the house,I don't feel like going out"

"Whatever granny,send me what bottles y'all want i'll be over there in bout an hour"Kha said then hung up.

"I don't wanna see everybody,I just wanna lay up with you"She pouted and I kissed her lips.

"Who is this X'Anna? I don't recognize her,loving all up on me.I could get used to this"I teased

"Shutup.What bottle do you want?"she asked me and I told her don julio reposado.

"That shit nasty"She frowned

"And After a few shots so I am I"

"Well in that case let's make it two"She smirked making me laugh.

"Girl bye"


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